pumpkin pie is better in ice cream

It’s no question come Fall what my favorite food is:  Pumpkin!  I simply can’t get enough of it!  I don’t know when the obsession with pumpkin started, but it definitely hasn’t died down.  Every year when the weather gets just a little bit colder, I start craving pumpkin.  Pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin bread, pumpkin beer… I want it at every meal.

What may come as a surprise to you is that I am not a huge fan of pumpkin pie.  I’m not a big pie fan in general, but there’s just something about the texture of pumpkin pie that really grosses me out.  Sure, the flavor is there, but mushy pumpkin with pie crust is just not my cup of tea slice of pie.

However, when you mix a big ol’ slab of pumpkin pie in with ice cream, you absolutely can’t go wrong.  We all know I’ve had my share of pumpkin concretes – I look forward to the fall every year just for the seasonal concretes to come out.  But, one that I’ve never tried before was the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from Dairy Queen.

I almost didn’t get the Pumpkin Pie.  The ad for the Ooey Gooey Caramel Brownie was extremely enticing and I typically can’t stray away from chocolate in my ice cream, but I went with my gut on this one, while Matt let me have a bit of his Caramel Brownie Blizzard.



My gut won this one for sure.  Pumpkin pie + vanilla ice cream + whipped cream = WINNER!  The Caramel Brownie didn’t even compare to this one. 

And this coming from the girl who doesn’t like pumpkin pie…

What’s your favorite slice of pie?  Pie is never my first choice (obviously, that would be ice cream), but if I do have pie, it is usually apple or peach pie.  And my sister-in-law makes a killer French silk pie, which is usually another texture loser for me, but hers is to. die. for!