my redo

As of 10 PM Sunday night, I’m still pregnant with absolutely no signs that baby is even thinking about making her appearance.  I was really thinking she was going to be right on time, but I guess she just wants some more time to cook a bit longer.  I’m getting anxious + impatient, but I’ll just be happy when she decides it’s time to come out!


A few months ago, Matt told me there was something he really wanted us to do on October 9th besides have a baby.  We agreed that if there was no signs that baby was on the way, we would do it.  It’s not something we hadn’t done before, but it was something that Matt wanted to give me a redo on.


That would be Matt + me with Alton Brown back in 2008.  That was the only picture I had of me with Alton.  Matt got a picture, Matt’s dad got a picture, but my picture just happened to be completely unrecognizable.  I was so disappointed since it was my only proof of ever meeting a celebrity.

Matt has felt guilty ever since we walked out of the book signing 3 years ago.  So, we were determined to make it out to the Ethical Society of St. Louis to attend the Alton Brown talk + Good Eats 3 book signing put on by Sauce Magazine + Left Bank Books.


Alton Brown is just as witty + smart in person as he is on his show.  It was a great question + answer session, talking about Good Eats, Iron Chef, and other random foodie things.  There were a few jabs at vegetarians (“Even vegetarians like to watch shows about meat!”), but he was definitely entertaining as expected.



Then, the wait came.  With there being over 500 people stuffed in a tiny little “church”, there was quite a wait to get to meet Alton.  Luckily, the students from L’Ecole Culinaire had some food samples to share with us during our two and a half hour wait.



Two + a half hours later, and I finally got my redo!


Since baby was still sitting nice + comfy in my belly, we decided to capitalize on a Groupon and headed out to Flaco’s Cocina for one last night out on the town (since I’m positive Baby M will be here this week – naturally or otherwise).


We started with endless chips + salsa with 4 types of salsa.  I, of course, ate mostly the spiciest salsa possible.


Dinner was a delicious Chile Relleno stuffed with cilantro rice, roasted veggies, and tofu and topped with queso, mole, and fried plantains.  Super spicy (hey, I’m trying to do anything I can to get this baby out!) but absolutely delicious!


Matt went for the taco trio with chicken, tilapia, and mahi tacos.  He said the chicken + tilapia were just OK, but he really enjoyed the mahi taco.


I finally got my redo.  I’ve got a belly full of spicy food.  And I’ve got a finished nursery that you will all get to see tomorrow.  Alright, Baby M – let’s get this show on the road!