the best thing(s) i ever ate

There’s a show on Food Network called The Best Thing I Ever Ate, where various chefs talk about the places + meals where they ate the best of a certain food item, whether it’s chocolate, ethnic food, or soup.

Well, Tuesday was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten days.  A day full of some of my absolute favorite meals and meals that I think you should go make immediately.



Amazingly, pumpkin oatmeal is not my favorite.  Yes, I love it and crave it come fall, but it’s not sweet enough for my sweet tooth.  What is the best bowl of oatmeal ever?


  • D’Anjou pear (not Bartlett, there just not as good)
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2-ish tablespoons Galaxy granola (any granola will do though)
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter



I’ve been on a serious soup kick lately… have you noticed? ;)  Once the weather turns colder (although I’m still in denial that it’s no longer flip flop weather), salads get replaced with soup so I can still get my veggies in.  I made a batch of broccoli soup a few weeks ago, and as we were eating it, Matt commented that potatoes would be a great addition to the soup.

Well, just so happens, Kristy posted a Broccoli Cheddar and Potato soup for her soup-er Sunday a few days later.  I took it as a sign that I just had to make it.


Best. Soup. Ever!  I would eat this everyday through the winter if I could.  It will definitely be making an appearance again – like every other week.  So good!


And for my lunch dessert, a small bowl of Gingerbread Pita Chips.  Holy smokes!  I’m not a big fan of gingerbread, but I loved these!  I think everyone should go buy a bag immediately.  (They’re at Dierbergs for all you St. Louisans.)



You’ve seen this before – Kashi Go Lean Crunch but with Craisins this time.  One of my favorite snacks to satisfy my sweet tooth!

Dinner + Dessert

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving means one thing for us:  Matt’s annual cross country banquet.  Which means pasta, salad, bread, and desserts – and some overeating right before the Overeating Holiday.  I didn’t take any pictures since (1) I didn’t want kids + parents looking at me like I am crazy (which might be true) and (2) I had MacKenna with me and it’s difficult to take pictures whilst holding a baby.

However, Monday night, we broke out a jar of Classico Light Alfredo Sauce that I received as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program.  I’m extremely familiar with Classico’s sauces as they are the basis of one of my favorite + easiest meals:  Tuscan Pasta. 


A jar of Classico Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo Sauce, a can of (drained) diced tomatoes, and some basil in a pot, then toss it with some cheese tortellini and you have an amazing meal ready in 15 minutes or less that even meat + potato lovers will enjoy!

We used that recipe as a basis for Monday night’s dinner with the Light Alfredo Sauce by tossing in a can of diced tomatoes (again, drained), some peas and broccoli and tossed it with some whole wheat shells.  (If you want to add in some protein, chicken would be great with this.)  I must say, I was really impressed with how not “light” the light sauce tasted!  It was creamy and delicious – and some of the best pasta I’ve ever eaten in my own home!  Definitely another go-to meal to add to my collection…

[No picture because I didn’t think about it at the time, but believe me, DELICIOUS!]

And that, my friends, are some of the best things I’ve ever eaten!

What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten or made?
