mommy + daddy’s night out

MacKenna Week 5

Now that I am 5 weeks old, I decided it was time that Mommy + Daddy had a night out without me.

Every year for the past few years, Mommy + Daddy have gone to an auction the Saturday before Thanksgiving and I wasn’t about to stop them this year.  (Actually, last year at the auction, Mommy thought she might be pregnant with me, but she wasn’t.  She would have to wait a few more months.)  They go with Mommy + Daddy’s parents (who I call GiGi + PawPaw), so I asked Daddy’s parents (who I call Grandma + Grandpa) to watch me.

Mommy was nervous to leave me alone for the first time for longer than 30 minutes, but she did really well!  She gave me a bunch of extra kisses and cuddle with me a little longer – she didn’t cry at all!  I am really hoping she does that well when she has to leave me with the babysitter for the day when she goes back to work, but I think it will be much harder for her.  I am a cutie + a very good baby, so how could she not miss me?!

Grandma, Grandpa, and I had so much fun!  Grandma held me a lot, which I love, and Grandpa played with me on my new fun play mat!  I am really starting to hold my head up well, thanks to all the tummy time Mommy makes me do.  (I am not a big fan of tummy time since I’m still working on turning my head.  Sometimes I forget I need to turn my head to the side, and will keep hitting my face into the floor.  I really don’t like this and scream until Mommy flips me back on my back.)

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I even got to take a bottle from someone else for the first time!  I didn’t choke or gag at all!  And Grandma said I really good at burping!  I must take after my mommy…

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We knew Mommy + Daddy had to be missing me (they called several times to make sure I was OK), so we sent them all these pictures of our adventures at home while they were away.  Mommy told me she was thankful for iPhones so that she could get pictures of me all night long.

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When Mommy + Daddy got home, I was already sleeping, but I heard Mommy tell me goodnight before she put me in my crib.  I sure did miss them, but I was happy to have a night without them too.  And they missed me so much that I even got some presents!

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A new sleep sack, which is still too big for me, and a St. Louis Cardinals hat, bib, and booties!  I can’t wait until the baseball season starts up again so I can wear all my fun Cardinals stuff!

Mommy + Daddy also got some stuff for themselves – a rice cooker and a bunch of new Corelle dishes so Mommy can have a little more variety when she takes pictures of her food.  (I think that’s kind of strange that she does that, but I know it makes her happy.)

I’m happy that they got to have a night out without me – I know they really needed it!  I can’t wait until I get to spend another night with Grandma + Grandpa, or even GiGi + PawPaw, so Mommy + Daddy can spend some time together.

PS – I had my 1 month checkup yesterday!  I now weigh 7 pounds 4 ounces (up from 5 pounds 3 ounces at my 1 week visit) and grew a whole inch!  I also had my Hepatitis B shot – Mommy cried.

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