return to running: week 1

I am going to start tracking my training (running, cross training, and weight lifting) on here since my biggest post-pregnancy goal is to get back into running and training for races.  You can also follow my training on Daily Mile, but I will divulge a bit more info on here.

As I said on Friday, I am following Run University’s Couch to 10K plan for my big return to training.  The 10-week program will lead up to the beginning of my training for the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon on April 15.  And as much as I would absolutely LOVE to PR at GO! this year, my biggest goal is just to cross that finish line, even if it takes me 4 hours or more (it won’t).

After completing week 1, I really think this plan is going to be great for me.  I am not starting off with anything too difficult (the most I ran this week was a half mile) but it will eventually get me running 2+ miles consistently without having to walk.  Honestly, I can’t even tell you the last time I ran even a mile without having to walk, so being able to run 2 miles without having to walk (which happens during week 3) is going to be HUGE for me!

So, how did the first week go?  Everyday was the same routine – a 1M walk warm-up and the 1M alternating 200m running + 200m walking (200m = 1/8 of a mile), but each day my pace got a just a little bit faster.

Monday:  13:45/mile pace, with MacKenna in the jogging stroller

photo 4 (3)

It was nice to get out with MacKenna on what is probably one of the last stroller runs I’ll have until the spring.  She was awake the entire run too!  Running with the stroller isn’t nearly as difficult as I expected it to be, but again, I’m also only running 200 meters at a time before getting a walking break!

Tuesday:  13:35/mile pace

Wednesday:  13:00/mile pace

When it’s not nice outside (as in temps in the 60s), I wait until Matt gets home before I go out to run, which can range anywhere between 4:30 and 5:00 PM.  By 5 o’clock, it’s pretty dark out, so I’m trying not to let my overwhelming fear of running in the dark get to me.  I’m wearing reflectors and a flashing light so that I’m seen by the cars, even though I’m running predominantly on sidewalks.  But, you never know what could happen, so better safe than sorry.  I have a feeling eventually these runs will move to the gym since I’m a wimp in cold weather.

Thursday:  13:18/mile pace

This was the first day I actually saw my pace running drop below an 8-minute mile!  Making me hopeful that my speed won’t be too hard to get back!

Friday:  rest day

Eventually Fridays will be lifting + cross training days, but for now I’m just focusing on the running and taking an extra rest day since 4 days in a row is a lot of running.

Saturday:  13:22/mile pace

Ugh, so windy!  The wind has been ridiculous the past week or so – it reminds me of my college days.  The town my college was in was ridiculously windy year round, but it made me a stronger runner for sure!

Sunday:  rest day

After a late night out on Saturday night, I needed a rest day just from lack of sleep on Sunday.  Plus, it was nice to cuddle with my baby girl all day long!

Total miles:  10 miles total (2.5 miles running + 7.5 miles walking)

I have noticed some tenderness in my right hip and some soreness where my incision is, but nothing I’m overly concerned about.  I do realize that if these things get more than just a little uncomfortable that I’ll need to back off, but for right now, everything is going just fine.

I still have a week and a half before I go back to the doctor, so for right now, I’ll just be sticking to this plan until I’m really cleared to increase my intensity.  Then, I will start adding in strength training (YAY! I’ve missed it so much and can’t stand my un-toned arms) and a day of cross training on Friday.  Can’t wait to add more running in this coming week and watch that pace continue dropping!
