the best is yet to come

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We have been busy, busy, busy as usual. We had a great Christmas with both of our families. All 3 of us were spoiled rotten, especially little Miss MacKenna!

20121230-105917.jpgI can't believe 2012 is over already! Last year at this time, I was getting ready to go back to work after maternity leave. We've come a long way over the past year. From becoming a working mom, racing post-pregnancy, and getting my pre-preggo body back, to starting a new job, balancing work, coaching, family, and training, and going through the scariest thing yet as a parent, it's been quite a year. So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite and best posts from this past year.January: My Dream JobFebruary: what the heck am i doing?!March: race recap: St. Patrick's day 5-milerApril: jogging stroller PRMay: everything you wanted to know about stroller runningJune: dream jobJuly: race recap: summit trail running series - baker's tank 4kAugust: body after bump: month 9September: life as a working momOctober: baby girl: 12 monthsNovember: the longest weekDecember: body after bump: 1 year laterThe year is ending on a high note though. We have an end in sight with MacKenna's ongoing eye issue (more on that soon) and lots of amazing opportunities for me both professionally and as a blogger. I was recently named one of the Top 12 Bloggers on the Run by Women's Running along with some truly amazing and inspirational women! Such an awesome honor! I also have some reviews and giveaways coming up in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

20121230-112233.jpgOh, and have a happy, blessed, and safe New Year!