new year’s goals

I’m a day late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I know EVERYONE is doing this, but I figured I might as well share my “resolutions” for 2013 also.  I hate calling them resolutions.  I really even hate having year long goals.  While a year goes by dang fast, it’s still way too long for my liking.  I like shorter goals – monthly or even weekly goals.  But, starting with those long term goals really helps me nail down what I want to do each month or week to accomplish my long term goals.

So, here they are:  MY GOALS FOR 2013 (subject to change).

New Year 2013Fitness + Running

  • Set a PR in at least 1 distance (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, etc.)
  • Do ONE unassisted pull-up (there is absolutely NO excuse why I can’t do this!)
  • Run at least 6 races this year (already registered for GO! St. Louis again!)

Career + Blog

  • Build myself professionally to become a better teacher and coach
  • Become more assertive in both career and blogging
  • Blog at least 2-3 times per week (Woohoo!  Mission accomplished this week!)
  • Build my “brand” and get my name out into the blog world more


  • Do at least one thing from Pinterest each month
  • Keep a cleaning/chore schedule
  • Budget and save money each month
  • Complete at least ONE big home improvement (new deck, siding, new carpet, basement, kitchen, etc.)


  • Read to MacKenna every day (I’m sad to say this suffered greatly this past year)
  • Put cell phones away from the time we get home until MacKenna is in bed
  • Have a date night once per month (with a babysitter)

I don’t think any of these are too outrageous or difficult to accomplish.  I’m hoping that it will at least keep me accountable.  I think my hardest ones will be the Home goals.  I love being organized but after a long, hard day at work, I get really super lazy.  I need to be better at this!

Bring it, 2013!

What are your New Year’s goals/resolutions?  How do you keep yourself accountable with keeping them?