st. patty's weekend + workouts

Another busy, crazy week last week.  I didn't intend to fall off the face of the earth the past two weeks, but our evenings have been busy, with a basketball game to attend, parent-teacher conferences, closing on our refinance (yes, we just bought our house), and just plain being exhausted.  So, yeah, blogging took a backseat.  But, the good news is that I'm on Spring Break!  And even with only being back at work for 2 weeks, I was in need of a week off of work.  I just need a chance to recharge and spend some time with my kiddos.IMG_1344I kicked off my Spring Break spending it with family and friends.  On Saturday, we headed down the road to the one of the big St. Patrick's Day parades in the area.  I had been looking forward to it all week and thankfully, my brother and SIL decided to join us.  We ended up with several handfuls of candy and a ton of beads!  Kenna was definitely one happy girl!IMG_1345IMG_1346We spent Saturday evening with our neighbors, celebrating Kory's 30th birthday and getting excited about summer at the new house.  Our neighbors lit up the firepit and pulled out the projector screen for some late night entertainment of Blues hockey and Step Brothers after the kids went to bed (thankfully, our monitor reaches to the firepit next door).  Can't wait until Cardinals baseball starts - it's going to be a fun summer!firepitPlus, another great week of workouts - including my first 4-miler...Monday:  2 mile easy run (8:26/mile) + 1.5 miles w/ CrossFitPre-WOD:  Thrusters 3x10, 55#3 RFT:Run 800mDeadlifts 7x, 75#Pullups 10x1-Arm Thrusters 14x, 20#Box Jumps 20x(20:44)Tuesday:  4 mile easy run (8:34/mile)Pre-WOD:  Good Mornings 3x10, 45#21-15-9 reps for time:PushupsHang Cleans, 55#BurpeesSitups(10:44)Wednesday:  Pre-WOD:  Front Squats 3x10, 45-55-65#10 RFT:Front Squats 10x, 45#HSPUs 5x(11:44)Thursday:  2 mile easy run (8:49/mile) + 1 mile time trial (7:26) + 800m time trial (3:39)Pre-WOD:  Push-Press 3x10, 55#EMOM for 8 minutes:Even = Push-Press 8x, 55#Odd = Pullups 6xFriday:  rest daySaturday:  3 mile easy run (8:50/mile)Sunday:  4 mile easy run (8:24/mile)Total:  18 milesFor as busy as this week was, I am so happy I was able to get all my planned runs in.  Miles is starting to become a little more predictable, so I ended up waking up at 6 AM both days this weekend to get my run in, and I'm so happy I did!  I enjoy running in the afternoons, but I love getting my run done first thing in the morning.  Plus, the crisp, fall-like air on Sunday morning was just what I needed!IMG_1348