sparkly soul review + giveaway

Last week, I told you how cheap I am.  But, not only am I cheap, I’m a pretty minimalist runner.  I think this has something to do with my cheapness.  I don’t run with a lot.  Give me a pair of shoes, and I’m good to go.  I don’t need a Garmin (although I do run with my phone – for safety and for my RunKeeper app) and I refuse to wear a fuel belt.  (Just not my thing.)

However, besides my shoes, I absolutely have to wear a headband.  Something they don’t tell you when you’re pregnant is that you don’t lose a lot of hair while you’re pregnant.  But, after you have the baby, your hair falls out and grows like crazy!  I have a ton of “baby” hairs that stick straight out of my head and hang down in my face, unless they are pulled back with a headband.

I used to use those thick cloth headbands, but those always fell off my head.  When I was feeling really cheap, I used pre-wrap, but every time I went to adjust those, they’d break and I’d be without a headband again.  I finally wised up and bought some non-slip headbands.  They were great!  Until the elastic in the back stretched out and they no longer would stay put.  Wah wah.

But, I finally found the answer to my slipping headband problems.  Sparkly Soul headbands to the rescue!  I’ve been eyeing these headbands all over the blogosphere for months!  Sparkly Soul was nice enough to send me a thin and a wide headband to try out on my runs.

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I am happy to say that they passed the no-slip test on several of my runs and CrossFit workouts.  They stayed in place and I looked super fashionable at the same time!  I loved the sparkles as well!  My other non-slip headbands had glitter all over them, so not only would they slip off, but I’d end up with glitter all over my face (and MacKenna’s too).  The sparkles on Sparkly Soul headbands don’t do that, which makes them even better!

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Want a chance to try them out yourself?  One lucky reader will win not one, but TWO Sparkly Soul headbands (one wide, one thin)!  To enter, head on over to Sparkly Soul’s website and tell me what color you would want to add to your running wardrobe (or CrossFit, or yoga, or whatever fitness activity you like to do).  For extra entries, you can follow Sparkly Soul on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest and let me know that you did.  (Each follow is a separate entry and separate comment.  If you already follow Sparkly Soul, leave a comment telling me you already follow them.)

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Giveaway will run until Thursday, January 17 until 8 PM (Central Time).  Good luck!

(Sparkly Soul graciously sent me 2 of their headbands to try for myself; however, all opinions are my own.)