pv.body review

I have a confession to make.  And as a woman, I’m pretty embarrassed that I am actually confessing this to you on my blog, but…


There.  I said it.  Hopefully you won’t revoke my “female card” from me for that.  Really, it’s not that I don’t like to shop.  Put me in a grocery store or Target and I could spend the whole day there shopping and spend way more than my budget allows.  But, when it comes to shopping for clothes, I absolutely cannot STAND doing it.

I don’t know if I just had bad self-esteem growing up or if my mom just bought all my clothes (and still does) that I don’t have to usually worry about going shopping for clothes. 

Or, maybe it’s the fact that I’m really cheap.  Yup, that’s probably it.  Especially when it comes to workout clothes.  Sure, I’ll spend $100 every 4 to 6 months on running shoes, but as for running shirts and shorts, I stick to t-shirts, shorts I wore in high school, or things I got at races.  Unless it’s under $15, it’s likely that I’m not going to buy it.

Yes, I am cheap.  So, when I heard about pv.body, I was intrigued.  Think of it as Netflix for workout clothes.  Each month, you receive a pretty pink package in the mail with a workout outfit – a pair of bottoms and a top.  And not just cheap, crappy workout clothes like I typically wear.  Big name brands like American Apparel and Lululemon – places I would never dream of shopping at!  (In fact, I refuse to go to Lululemon out of fear that I will fall in love with everything in the store and not be able to afford it.)

I received my first pv.body package on Christmas Eve.  Merry Christmas to me!  I was sent a pair of American Apparel grey workout leggings and an orange Electric Yoga tank top.  The leggings are freaking amazing!  They are so warm and comfortable and I think I will be able to wear them on some of my colder runs outside without worrying about them falling down like most of my running tights do.  And while I won’t be wearing the yoga top for running (I chafe really badly when I wear tank tops for running), it really makes me want to hit up a yoga class at my gym!  It’s so cute that I’m pretty sure I’ll be sporting it quite a bit when the weather warms up again!

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And the best part about pv.body?  It’s only $49.95 a month.  For clothes that normally retail at over $100, that’s quite a steal!  Shipping is always free, you can cancel your subscription at any time, and you can return anything that doesn’t fit or get a refund if you choose to send back your entire box.

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If you’re interested in trying pv.body out for yourself, you can get 20% off through going through The Concrete Runner!  Also, if you sign up in the month of January, you will have access to their 30 Day Challenge, in which you receive your own personal dietician and trainer to help you meet your New Year’s goals!  Go take your personal style quiz to get started! I promise, you won’t be disappointed!

(Note this is an affiliate link.  To enjoy 20%, sign up through The Concrete Runner link and then sign up for the 30 Day Challenge.)

Do you tend to spend money on workout clothes?  Are you cheap like me and still wear stuff from high school?