short weekend getaway + weekly mileage
Another Monday, another week, another weekend that was much too short. We spent less than 24 hours at the Lake of the Ozarks with our friends Bob and Michelle and our families. Even though it was short, it was a nice little getaway that made the weekend feel a little bit longer. Most of our time spent at the Lake was spent in the pool. Tan-Tar-A has an indoor water park, so after a really delicious breakfast buffet, we took the kids swimming. MacKenna had a bit of a freakout at first after the 700 gallon bucket dumped on her and Matt, but eventually she calmed down and enjoyed herself. Miles had a good time too, splashing in the water.Before we left on Saturday afternoon, we accidentally found Randy's Frozen Custard. I was told about Randy's 5 years ago when I first started writing this blog. We very rarely go to the Lake, so this was my opportunity to finally have Randy's. Of course, it's pumpkin season, so while the kiddos slept in the car, Matt + I split a pumpkin pie concrete. It was amazingly delicious! I'm not sure it beats Andy's, but it was pretty darn good!
It was also another great week of running. I tweaked my non-training training plan to cut back on my mileage for awhile. I was supposed to do a 90-minute run this weekend, but (1) I need my sleep, and (2) I don't feel like I have that kind of time while I'm nursing. So, I'm keeping my weekend runs to 60-minutes only for now and then possibly ramping up the mileage a little bit more once the new year rolls around.Monday: 30 minute easy run (3.76 miles @ 7:58/mile pace)5 2-minute rounds:Assisted Pullups 5xRun 200mThrusters (max reps), 15# DB
Tuesday: 45 minute easy run (5.45 miles @ 8:16/mile pace)7 rounds:Power Cleans 7x, 45#Thrusters 7x, 45#Bar Facing Burpees 7x, 45#
Wednesday: 25 minute easy run (3.13 miles @ 8:00/mile pace)Thursday: 30 minute tempo run (3.87 miles @ 7:46/mile pace)5 rounds:Deadlifts 9x, 55#Snatch 6x, 15#Front Squats 3x, 55#Friday: 3 rounds:Inverted Row 15xPush-Press 15x, 45#Situps 15xHang Cleans 15x, 45#Saturday: OFFSunday: 60 minute long run (7.26 miles @ 8:18/mile pace)Total: 23.47 miles