September 30-Day Habit Challenge

Wanna hear something funny?!I have no idea what my word of the year is for this year. I honestly don’t even remember.But, what I DO know is that I am really enjoying these mini-challenges I have been setting for myself each month. They give me small, tangible goals to focus on, and lead to great habit changes as well. Sure, some of my habits have gotten off track, but when I think back to how I felt during those 30-days, I remember how GOOD it felt during that time and tend to get back on track.Here is what I’ve done so far this year…>> January: NONE>> February: posting about my business daily on social media>> March + April: gave up sweets (in conjunction with Lent)>> May: drink half my body weight in water daily>> June: no snooze>> July: Fab 4 Smoothie daily>> August: daily devotionalI’ll be honest… I struggled coming up with something this month. I mean, my biggest personal weaknesses have been in the areas above. Taking care of my body has A LOT to do with it (obviously), because I tend to fall into some really bad habits in those areas. Last month, I switched it up a bit because I really felt God saying to me that I was struggling so much because I wasn’t focused on HIM.And let me tell ya, I’m SO thankful that I started doing those daily devotionals. I followed the book “More Than Sales: Seeking God’s Heart for Your Direct Sales Business” by K.E. Sipps per my friend Natalie’s suggestion, and I can’t even begin to tell you how perfect it has been for me. I was REALLY struggling in understanding God’s plan for me as a business owner, especially in the way I wanted to serve my team. This has spoken to me so well with how to serve God first, family second, and people third. Because, this business - it’s NOT about me. It’s about serving God’s purpose for me and HELPING others, while being the best wife + mom I can be for my family.I’m planning on doing 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs next, so I’ll be sure to keep you updated because I think this is one habit that I’m going to enjoy sticking with!This month, I’m again going in the non-health direction, but I struggled with figuring this one out because I don’t want to admit I have a problem. It’s sort of 2-fold really…1. Being more INTENTIONAL with my time - limiting distractions, being present in the moment, etc.2. Staying OFF of my phone when I’m boredY’all, I HATE being bored. HATE IT. And guess what I notice myself doing when I’m bored?Sitting + scrolling Facebook or Instagram. Checking messages. Being completely distracted with my phone.It’s become a really bad habit and I’m not proud of it. But the first step is admitting you have a problem right?!This challenge is going to be easier said than done, but I know the first step is just limiting my time on my phone. I have my Screen Time limited to 9AM to 3PM daily, giving me unlimited access to all my apps during my “working” hours. But, I’ve just gotten in this habit of ALWAYS checking my phone.And it. Needs. To. Stop.So, my goal…No phone before 9AM + limited use (no IG or FB) 3PM to 8PMY’all, this is going to be HARD. But, I have to remind myself, there is nothing THAT urgent that needs my attention right away. The people who actually NEED my time should get my time - and that is my family. They deserve my undivided time + attention - I just HAVE to be more intentional about it.So, tell me…Are you joining in on my challenge this month? What habit are YOU going to try to change this month?!

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