What REALLY Matters

A wise woman once told me that even like bankers forget the value of money, so do people who work with people forget the VALUE of people.My mentor told me this when I was going through a really hard time in my business. I was going after a BIG goal, but in order to achieve that goal that I wanted really, really bad, it came at the price of not only sacrificing my time with my family, but sacrificing my relationships with people.Last week, I was able to go to the annual conference for my affiliate company, where I got to hear John Maxwell speak for the second year in a row. It was literally the exact same speech he gave the year prior, but there was definitely something different this time around. As time passes, our priorities + views change, so if we hear something a second, fifth, fifteenth, or fiftieth time, it’s probably going to come across differently and our takeaways will be different.What really stood out to me this year was part of his 5 Priorities - CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE. Every single day, John Maxwell (I don’t feel like I can be on a first name basis with him - even though he likes my posts when I tag him!) does these 4 things to connect with others... 1️. Value people2️. Add value to people3️. Look for ways to add value to people4️. Encourage others to add value to people (aka leadership)I’ve been in business for myself long enough to know that it’s NOT about the money I make, how many products I sell, or the number of people on my team.It’s about PEOPLE. Putting people FIRST. Serving PEOPLE. Finding solutions to problems for PEOPLE.I LOVE to blog. I LOVE to write. I LOVE to tell stories through my writing. But, the one thing that I know I NEED to remember each time I sit here writing a story or my thoughts, is that YOU - my READER - matter. What do YOU want to hear? How do YOU want to feel after you read what I write?As I step into leadership for my team and I continue to blog + run a business, I never want to lose sight of the thing that is really important… and that’s YOU.By valuing YOU.By ADDING value to YOU.By encouraging YOU to add value to the world.Friend, I hope this encourages you to remember to keep your priorities straight. I know it can be so so hard at times - believe me, I’ve been there. We live in a world of “me first” and often lose sight of what is truly important.But, what I want for you is to remember your values. Remember who you serve + help. Remember that by putting PEOPLE FIRST, you will find so much more satisfaction than achieving that goal set in front of you...

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