#rnrstl half marathon training: week 10
Nothing like having your internet go out right as you sit down on Sunday night to get work done for the week. Thank goodness for LTE service so I could actually get a post up today. Unfortunely, that also meant we were forced to watch the debates. I'm sooooooooo over this election...Anyhoo, IT'S OFFICIALLY TAPER WEEK! I feel like this training cycle flew by! As I was debating whether or not to actually do my long run yesterday morning, I was thinking about my training. I honestly don't think I've really missed a run this entire training cycle. And the other thing I realized? I stayed completely 100% healthy! No injuries, no time off, no sicknesses... *knock on wood* I think it's by far been one of the best training cycles I've had. Ever. And I'm going into Sunday's race feeling absolutely confident I can PR.My long run yesterday solidified my confidence. After a late night at a wedding Saturday night, I seriously debated actually doing my 10-miler. I had a headache, I was tired, and I knew I got in the actual mileage I needed last week. But, I forced myself out the door and finished my run hitting my half marathon pace, feeling strong, and I felt like I could keep running. It was exactly what I needed to give me the confidence I needed to ensure a PR on Sunday!Monday: OFF
Tuesday: AM - 3.79 miles @ 8:01/mile, PM - 2.99 miles @ 7:53/mileWednesday: AMRAP in 20 minutes: Run 800m, Swings 20x, Bentover Row 15x (2 miles @ 7:26/mile)Thursday: 3 x 200, 3 x 400, 4 x 1000 w/ 2 minute rest (4 miles @ 6:41/mile - rest not included)Friday: OFFSaturday: 10K @ 90% 10K pace (6.21 miles @ 7:39/mile)Sunday: 10 miles @ 7:37/mileTotal: 29 milesNot only is it taper week, but it's also the LAST WEEK to register for the 3-week HIIT for Runners Bootcamp that starts on Monday, October 17! I will only be offering one more round if this program in 2016 before I launch a new program the first of the year!I truly believe that this program WILL help you earn that PR! If you've been stuck in a training plateau or just wanting to get FASTER, you NEED this program! Register this week and I will include a 20-minute goal-setting phone call to determine how you can achieve that PR this year!Register TODAY for the HIIT for Runners Bootcamp.