#rnrstl half marathon training 2016: week 8

The Concrete Runner - Rock n Roll St. Louis TrainingWe're are coming down to the wire, people!  This coming weekend will be my 12 miler run and then it's all down hill.  The good news is:  I'm definitely feeling like I'm at the peak of my training.  Every week has been better than the next so far (*knock on wood*) and I am feeling better than I have in a long time.  I FINALLY feel like I am where I was prior to both babies and am ready to blow some times out of the water.I am a little nervous about my 12-miler though.  I haven't actually done a 12 mile run in training in YEARS.  I had been running for time for while (which I still really enjoy doing) but I know that I really do need to get a 12-miler in before my next half.  I really want to practice my race day strategy, but I'm super nervous about it.  I know that it will definitely give me some confidence going in to race day, but I know that it's a very TOUGH strategy.  And definitely one I DO need to PRACTICE prior to the race.  Hopefully the cooler temperatures this week will make a 12 mile run a little easier.  I'm OVER this heat + humidity...Monday:  OFFimg_7608Tuesday:  10K @ 80% 10K pace (AM:  4 miles @ 8:11/mile, PM:  2.52 miles @ 8:01/mile)Wednesday:  Run Bias HIIT5 rounds:Run 200mKB Swings 15xBench Dips 20x(1.66 miles)Thursday:  5 x 1000m w/ 2:30 rest (4.05 miles @ 7:13/mile - rest time not included)Friday:  Tabata Sprints (AM:  2.41 miles @ 8:17/mile, PM:  1.73 miles @ 7:48/mile)Saturday:  4 x 1 mile w/ 3:00 rest (5.67 miles @ 7:18/mile - rest time not included)Sunday:  10 mile long run (10.0 miles @ 7:50/mile)Total:  32.04 milesLast week of HARD training and then it's all down hill until race day!