#rnrstl half marathon training 2016: week 7
Well, I FINALLY feel like I've gotten past my plateau that I've been struggling with for about a year now. I feel like I've been digging and digging for months to get my times back down where they were before getting pregnant with Miles, and I just now feel like I'm actually back to where I was. I HATE that it took me this long since I bounced back pretty quickly after MacKenna, but I also have to admit that I have been working my BUTT off more than I ever have in the past 6 months to hit those times. I've changed the way I train, I've changed the way I eat, and I've really tried to change my mindset with my runs. I've been struggling with running more mentally than physically, but I'll touch more on that on Wednesday.I had a few VERY redeeming runs this week. I hit the paces I needed to and actually didn't feel like I was going to die. I felt strong and confident and, most of all, determined to hit the paces I needed to be hitting. It's amazing how a few good runs can boost your confidence and help you feel completely prepared to race in a month! Especially since this is usually the point where most people hit the burnout wall. I'm very thankful to be pushing past that for sure!Monday: OFF
Tuesday: Tabata Sprints (2.43 miles @ 8:14/mile)Wednesday: 5 miles @ 85% 10K pace (AM: 3.49 miles @ 8:06/mile, PM: 2.75 miles @ 8:09/mile)Thursday: 6 x 1000m w/ 2:30 rest (4.68 miles @ 7:11/mile - not including rest time)Friday: AMRAP in 20 minutes:Run 400mPush-Ups 15xSit-Ups 25x(1.72 miles @ 6:52/mile)Saturday: OFFSunday: 3 x 3 miles @ 90% 5K pace w/ 5:00 rest (3.01 miles @ 7:15/mile, 3.01 miles @ 7:08/mile, 3.0 miles @ 7:08/mile)Total: 24.09 milesI do have to admit, it helps A LOT that I am leading a bootcamp right now and have other people to keep me accountable. I know they are looking to me to set that example, so it's helped me to actually get out of bed and HIT THOSE TIMES that I need to. Plus, I'm making sure that I'm actually getting my strength training in!