#rnrstl half marathon training 2016: week 2

The Concrete Runner - Rock n Roll St. Louis TrainingOh man, 4 AM runs KILLED me this week.  It definitely doesn't help that I've been watching the Olympics every night and I just can't seem to stop watching and actually go to sleep, despite being exhausted.  I ended up taking a nap Saturday afternoon, which is TOTALLY unlike me, but gave me so much more energy to finish the day and not fall asleep on the couch at 9PM on a Saturday night.  Not that it would've stopped me, but it gave me the energy to actually get some work done - while watching the Olympics, of course.  (Did you guys watch the men's 10,000?  Mo Farrah is a freaking stud!  From last place and taking a fall halfway through the race, to finishing with a gold medal... CRAZY!)I felt pretty great otherwise this week.  Of course, I had a major side stitch throughout my entire long run on Saturday.  Which really shouldn't surprise me as I haven't done my hip circuit AT ALL this past week.  Oops.  It's taking me some time to get back into a routine in the morning.  I'm hoping that because I'll be coaching cross country starting this week that I can start doing it with my runners.  I need someone to keep me accountable!  Ha!I also am planning on changing up some of my runs.  Matt has XC practice on Sunday evenings, so I think I am going to start doing my long runs on Sunday night and take Monday morning off and maybe do a HIIT workout instead.  That'll also give me the chance to get up on Saturday morning and get a track workout in if I wanted.  And one less day that I'll have to wake up early during the week.  Ya gotta be flexible, people!Monday:  6 x 400 w/ 400 recoveries (3.81 miles @ 8:02/mile)DB Thrusters 100x, 10 lbs Tuesday:  5 miles @ 80% 5K pace (5.01 miles @ 8:21/mile)Wednesday:  6 x 800 w/ 2:30 rest (4.01 miles @ 7:15/mile - not including rest time)3 rounds:Front Squats 5x, 55 lbsSingle Leg Deadlifts 10x, 15 lbsKB Swings 15x, 25 lbsSide Skaters 20x

A video posted by Kristen (@concrete_runner) on

Thursday:  0.62 mile warmupBox Jumps 25xSitups 50xBox Jumps 20xSitups 40xBox Jumps 15xSitups 30xBox Jumps 10xSitups 20xBox Jumps 5xSitups 10xFriday:  1 mile warmup4 rounds:Run 200mRenegade Rows 10x, 10 lbsPush-Press 10x, 45 lbsSaturday:  5 miles @ 80% 5K pace

Sunday:  OFFTotal:  19.87 miles**********Have you signed up for my FREE 5-Day HIIT for Runners program?  We start a week from today (August 22nd)!  You definitely don't want to miss out on this valuable training that will introduce you to high intensity interval training and help you become a stronger + faster runner!  Sign-up for my FREE training below!