#rnrchi training 2016: week 2
*sigh* Another exhausting week. And another busy week ahead. But, THE END IT IN SIGHT! Wednesday is our last day of school, we have a half work day on Thursday, and then Friday, I'm taking the entire day to myself - getting a massage, drinking some Starbucks, and trying to just enjoy a day without kids or having to worry about school! And I actually feel caught up at work for the first time in weeks! To say I am ready would be a HUGE understatement...Thankfully, although the week was busy, I got in some really great workouts. My "easy" runs are getting faster - 8 minute miles are starting to feel easy and I'm seeing more and more average paces in the 7s. I'm bound and determined to get that half marathon PR this year! Sub 1:35 here I come!Monday: OFF - I took an extra day after Cowbell Uncorked - my feet were killing me!Tuesday: 40 minute run @ 80% 5K pace (5.19 miles @ 7:42/mile)3 rounds:Box Jumps 10xPush-Ups 10xWednesday: 1/2 mile warmup, 6 x 800 w/ 2:30 rest, 1/2 mile cool down (4.12 miles @ 6:52/mile - not including rest periods)3 rounds:Back Squats 10x, 65 lbsBench Press 10x, 45 lbsInverted Row 10x
Thursday: Run 1200mSquats 50xRun 800mSit-Ups 30xRun 400mPush-Ups 10x(1.55 miles total)
Friday: 1/2 mile warmup, 6 x 400 w/ 400 recoveries, 1/2 mile cool down (4.05 miles @ 7:33/mile)
Saturday: 40 minutes @ 80% 5K pace (5.0 miles - my watch died around 3.5 miles)
Sunday: OFFTotal: 19.91 milesBring on the last week of school!