return to running: week 2

Two weeks in and I'm feeling pretty good.  While I'm ready mentally to be doing a lot more than running just 2 minutes at a time, I still have to remind myself that I am in recovery mode.  My body still needs more time to heal, but I am starting to feel more and more like my old self.  It really is the only time during the day that I actually feel like me.  But, that's a post for another time.I added 5 more minutes to each of my run/walks, so I'm running 10 minutes out of the total 35 minutes.  I'm planning on adding another 5 minutes this week before adding longer running intervals and shorter walking breaks.  I know my lungs can handle more time running, I just don't know how long they will last until they give out though!IMG_0650Monday:  35 minute run/walk (2.75 miles @ 12:35/mile) - This was my first run outside without pushing the stroller since not being pregnant.  It actually felt pretty good, but I definitely had to watch my speed a little bit to make sure I wasn't going too fast.  Just trying to be extra cautious.Tuesday:  PiYo Drench - Holy crap, this workout is tough.  And loooong.  I will probably not be doing this one as often just because of the length (48 minutes).  But, I was definitely shaking afterward!Wednesday:  35 minute run/walk (2.75 miles @ 12:43/mile) - Kenna was at the sitter and my mom came over to have lunch with me, so she took Miles while I went out and got an early afternoon run in.  I decided to take a different, hillier route, so that effected my speed a little bit.  Still felt good though.Thursday:  PiYo Sweat - LOVE this workout!  Definitely one of the best ones in the bunch.  And yes, I was sweating toward the end.Friday:  35 minute treadmill run/walk (2.75 miles @ 12:43/mile) + PiYo Lower Body - I decided to play with the speed a little bit and change it up.  I did my walking pace at 4.0 instead of 3.5 and added 0.2 with every run interval, starting at 6.2.  Great run!Saturday:  35 minute run/walk (2.9 miles @ 12:04/mile) - This was by far the best run I've had in awhile.  I felt great on the run parts - the most like myself I've felt in a really long time.  It made me excited to start running more than 2 minutes at a time in a few weeks.Sunday:  Rest DayTotal:  11.15 milesAs far as eating went this week, I did a lot better.  I'm feeling better about my body even though I am still feeling pretty soft.  But, I will be writing about that more on Wednesday.  There are still areas that need improvement, like not eating 3 cookies just while I'm putting dishes away, but I am trying to make a much more conscious effort of choosing better snacks.  I went a little overboard on dried mango this week, but like Matt said, it could definitely be worse.That being said, I'm so ready to start my "Rock Your Jeans" challenge group on Wednesday.  We are prepping for the program this week and then will be jumping right in to workouts and meal plan next week.  I've been doing my research on things to eat and different meals and am so ready to start!  There's still time if you want in - leave a comment or shoot me an email!  I'd love to have you join our group!Drop A Jean Size