How to be More Productive

Last week, one of my awesome VIP customers asked me on Instagram (are we friends yet?!)  how I was always so productive.I have a love/hate relationship with this question. Yes, I'm productive, but I also know that I'm definitely in a different season than a lot of people.I work from home. I don't have "set" working hours. And I have A LOT of flexibility in my day.So, there's that for you right there...But, I've also been in the stage of life where I had limited time on my hands. I worked full time. I had a 30 min commute each way. I have 2 kids at home. And I had multiple "side hustles."And yet, I somehow managed to get it all done. Well, at least most days...So, how do you "find more time" in your day?>> Manage your "downtime."I'm very time sensitive. I always say why walk when you can run - it's FASTER. There's very little time in my day where I'm not actively doing SOMETHING. Listening to a podcast during my run, unloading the dishwasher in the 5 min before the bus comes, watching a show or listening to a call while I fold the laundry. Find the little pockets in your day where you can get those little things done.>> Get your priorities in check.I have 10+ things on my to-do list right now. However, I only chose THREE to get done today. I look at due date + time it takes to determine my TOP 3 things to do each day. Three. No more than that!>> Wake up earlier.I'm not saying you have to wake up at 4AM, but what if you woke up an hour earlier? Would that give you more time? What are you doing when you're up until midnight? Are you actually productive or are you wasting time?I'm working on a Productivity Planner + Guide for my new website that will be up soon! It's on my bucket list to have a physical planner for busy mamas, but I hope this helps get you started TODAY!

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