The End of an Era

Well guys…This is officially my FINAL post on The Concrete Runner.When I started this blog back in June of 2010, I had no idea where it would take me.I’ve met amazing people.I’ve been able to collaborate with amazing brands.I am truly a forever changed person than who I was when I first started this blog.The intention of this blog - The Concrete Runner - really started as a way for me to share my running journey as I trained for the Chicago Marathon, and document a fun summer spent with my husband trying lots of different frozen custard around the country.At the time, I was unemployed and needed a creative outlet. I had been reading food blogs for months and really wanted to start my own, but didn’t know what to write about. Since I love running and frozen custard concretes, well… the idea was born.Since the day I first pressed publish, I have…>> lost 2 grandparents>> started and resigned from 2 different teaching jobs>> got pregnant and birthed 2 children>> moved into a new house>> started 4 different businesses, only 2 of which I still do now>> connected with THOUSANDS of runners, moms, bloggers, and business owners from around the worldI owe A LOT to this blog. I honestly do not think I would be sitting where I am today, writing this very last blog post, had it not been for taking that leap of faith and starting The Concrete Runner.So, why exactly am I moving on from The Concrete Runner?I still LOVE running. I still LOVE writing. But, my brand has changed so much over the last few years that The Concrete Runner just doesn’t seem to fit anymore. I’ve been holding on to it because I don’t want such a wonderful thing to end, but I know that it’s time to move on to the next thing.But, here’s the GOOD NEWS…I am not going ANYWHERE. I will still be blogging and posting and writing and sharing, but in a way that feels more authentic to who I am. I am currently working on a BRAND NEW website and blog, but I know that in order to get that up + running ASAP, I need to say good-bye to The Concrete Runner first.Also, The Concrete Runner will still be here! Yes, I will have a brand new website and blog, but I have too many memories on this little blog that I simply can’t erase - and truly don’t want to! My entire pregnancy journey with both kids is documented here. I have several recipes that I share and that are still some of my top website hits. And because I just love who this has shaped me to be.In the meantime, you can subscribe to my email list so you can learn when the new website + blog is up and running (pun intended) or follow me over on Instagram! I spend most of my time over on the ‘gram and I’d LOVE to connect with you there!So, it’s not good-bye... Like Mickey Mouse says, it’s “See ya real soon!”xo,Kristen