
One.  One year.  One year old.

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It’s officially been one year since my precious little MacKenna welcomed herself into our lives.  It’s been the fastest, hardest, most incredible year of my life.  I’ve learned so much about her, myself, my husband, my mom, parenting, life, etc. because of her.  She has been the greatest blessing ever and I feel so incredibly lucky to be her mom.

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MacKenna, I love you more than I can ever even tell you.  You make every day worth living and my life brighter.  You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine my life without you.  You are a smart, funny, happy little girl with quite the personality.  I can’t wait to continue to watch you grow and learn for years to come.  You are amazing and I love you with all my heart.

MacKenna Week by Week3

I will have a full 12 month update soon!  Plus, my final Body After Bump post!