caught up

Hello? Anybody out there? [taps on computer screen]Despite what you might think, I actually did not fall off the face of the earth. I'm hanging on the edge by a thread, but at least I haven't fallen yet, right? Things have been busy - at work, at home, coaching, at work... Oh, did I say I've been busy at work? Luckily, we are finishing our 1st (of 2) 3 week session of health today and will be back in P.E. next week. The kids are ready and I'm more than ready to be back in my "normal" environment.Teaching is keeping me on my toes. Nothing like learning everything on the job. I feel like I suck pretty much everyday (a normal first year teacher feeling) but I have a lot of support from other staff members and administration. I'm still learning but getting better everyday. Hoping it continues to get easier.Volleyball is finally coming to an end. We had a rough couple of weeks, but I'm feeling pretty good after 2 wins this past week, especially one against my alma mater. Two more regular season games, the conference tourney, and then districts start the 22nd. Finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.Because man, have I missed my baby girl! Can you believe MacKenna will be ONE next week?! Where has the past year gone?! I'm not going to share too much of what she's been up to lately since you'll be hearing all about it next week. I cherish every second I get with her because there have been days where I've only gotten 15 minutes with her before I run out the door for work and don't see her again until the next morning. It's been so hard not spending tons of time with her. I miss her dearly during the day and can't wait to take a day off to spend her birthday with her!

20121011-220106.jpgI will mention that just a week shy of her first birthday, I've stopped breastfeeding. I stopped pumping a couple weeks ago and with all the nights I've spent at volleyball, my production just stopped. After a night with her waking up screaming for food, I decided it wasn't worth it anymore. I feel lucky to have gotten to nurse her as long as I have. I will definitely miss it but I know it's better for her.

20121011-220317.jpgAs for running... Well, running has been not great lately. I'm just so exhausted in the mornings that training for anything has been less than stellar. I ran a 5K this past weekend (race recap to come) and, while I got 2nd, I just didn't enjoy it like I should have. I'm hoping once I can start running outside (and get a little more sleep) running will be fun again. Right now, I'm just trying to stay in decent shape.I think that's about all. I'm finally feeling caught up. What about you? What have you been up to lately?

family, running11 months, LifeComment