What to do when you come up short of your goals...

You may or may not know, but I’ve been working on some BIG GOALS this year… and so far, 6 months into 2018, I still have yet to achieve any of them...Luckily, this is not the first time this has ever happened to me.  Just 2 years ago, I had the exact same thing happen when I was training for a half marathon PR.  At this point 2 years ago, I was about a week out from attempting to run a sub-1:35 half marathon.  At the time, I was really hoping for anything under a 1:40, but in my mind I KNEW I wanted to eventually break 1:30.However, mentally, I just wasn’t in it.  I was continuing to doubt myself and what I was capable of doing.  I started talking myself OUT of even attempting for that half marathon PR.  And guess what happened…I didn’t PR.In fact, it took me another TWO TIMES before I actually did finally break 1:35.  And I did it by 2-seconds. 1:34:58.These past several months have looked pretty similar.  I’ve been working toward a HUGE goal in my company - a goal that would put me at a leadership rank + qualify me for a 100% paid for Cadillac.  I achieved my first big goal in January, so I thought for sure, this goal would still require just as much work + effort, but would come easier.Ha!  Not even close.  Y’all, I ended up only half way to my goal this month, and that’s after coming up short of my goal every month since January.  I was crushed. I kept asking myself, “Why not me?” and “What am I doing wrong?”Um, HELLO?!  Are you guys catching all the self-destructing + self-limiting things that just happened in the paragraphs above?!If I’ve learned anything about achieving goals in the past 6 months, it’s ALL about mindset and breaking past those self-limiting thoughts.  And just when I think I’m making some good progress, I reach that glass ceiling once again. I talk myself out of it. I start to BELIEVE that I can’t achieve it, or I can’t do it on my own.How do you break past those self-limiting beliefs?  YOU WORK ON YOUR MINDSET. I write down my goals daily.  I do personal development (specifically for my mindset) daily.  I celebrate the little wins daily.I know I am capable of ANYTHING and that I absolutely CAN + WILL achieve my goals.  I WILL NOT give up on this goal, no matter how long it takes me. I’m learning all about courage, influence, and necessity.  I’m learning how to be a better leader, I’m learning how to be bold, and most of all, I’m learning how to get uncomfortable.It is OK to be upset when you don’t hit your goals, but it’s NOT OK to stop TRYING.  It is NEVER too late to give up on your dreams. Just because you didn’t reach your goal the first time - or 50th time - doesn’t mean you NEVER will.  Be resilient. Ask yourself what needs to change. Ask yourself what you can do better. And most of all, keep TRYING. Keep BELIEVING that ANYTHING is possible.
