How to Bust Past Setbacks + Hit Your Goals This Year

On the way home from California, I started reading a book called The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I only got about three-quarters of the way through the first chapter before my Kindle died on the plane. We still had a good 2 hours left in the flight (of course), and MacKenna was on the iPad and I just wasn’t tired enough to nap. (I know, I know… who AM I?!)Instead, I did one of my favorite things in the world. I pulled out my planner and I PLANNED. I planned for the week ahead mostly, but I decided to go to the very front of my planner (I use the flagship Day Designer Planner by Whitney English) and fill out the goal setting pages.I’m pretty big on setting goals. I would say that I’m a fairly ambitious, go-getter type person. I mean, when you’re Type A, you sort of have to be. So, while I would much rather just sit and plan days, weeks, and months in advance, I knew I actually had to give some intention to what I was planning for on a daily basis… Especially now that I am ALL IN on my businesses.We are now officially halfway through 2018 and guess what? I have YET to hit either of the 2 big goals I set for myself back in January. *doh* And believe me, it’s NOT for lack of trying. I’ve been pushing + fighting my way to achieve those goals, but let’s just say, they have definitely not come easy.So, what better time than the beginning of July to sit down and actually put a plan into place on how I can truly achieve those goals by the end of the year (if not before then). Here is what I did to PLAN for the next 180 days left in 2018...1. I broke my goals down into 90 day chunks of time.I admittedly am NOT a big picture person. I LOVE details, all the nitty gritty stuff that makes the big picture stuff happen. But, that means, it’s hard for me to see past the next 30 days, let alone 6 months or a year from now. Instead, I try to break my goals into smaller periods of time. I love looking at quarters or 12 week periods.For me, it’s like training for a race. I don’t want to think about a race I’m doing a year from now because I’m NOT THERE yet. I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that I need to do a certain distance run when I’m currently only doing half that distance.Plus, burnout is REAL, my friends. Do you know how many times my runners have gotten past week 12 of their training plan, ready to throw in the towel because they are just O.V.E.R. training?!Yes, for sure, look at where you want to be in 6, 9, or 12 months, but break those down into smaller, more attainable goals so that you don’t feel so far away from your big goal.2. I created daily + weekly actions that will help me get closer to those goals.Again, I like to relate everything back to running because, well, running makes SENSE to me. I love creating 12 week training plans for myself + my clients, but what goes INTO those 12 weeks is really the most important thing about hitting those goals.I know, in order to run a 5K PR I need a combination of easy runs, speed workouts, tempo runs, long runs, and strength training. I need each of those things each week, and then I can focus on exactly what I need to be doing each day to get me ONE DAY closer to that goal.As I’m looking at my goals for my businesses (hitting my next rank, making $5K and $10K per month, impacting hundreds more people), I need to break those down into weekly and daily actions. I already have a daily “power hour” that includes a lot of the things I NEED to be doing daily to hit those goals, like going LIVE on Facebook, reaching out to my leads, creating content to post. All of those things are DAILY actions I need to be doing. But, I also need to look at those weekly actions as well. If I want to be HERE by the end of the month, I need to do THESE THINGS this week to get me closer.3. I track my progress.I NEED to do this more frequently, but tracking your progress is KEY. Just like in training for a race, you want to see that your times are getting faster, your runs are feeling easier, and you are feeling more confident in your goal.In business, I track my numbers daily. I hand write them in my planner and I have a spreadsheet that helps me track those numbers to see the progress I’m making. Kelli + I have weekly team meetings (and talk daily) to see where we need to be to hit our goals for the month (we are getting better at being intentional about this as well).This is especially important when you are feeling lost or defeated in your business. Not every day is going to be the best day ever. You’re going to lose clients. You’re going to lose a sale. But, the important thing is that you are still MOVING FORWARD.Keep your eye on the prize. Break it down, record your progress, and you’ll inch closer and closer to your goals.You’ve got this girl!And if you’re ready to hit those goals in your business or in your running, I want to HELP you set those goals, create your intentions, and get you there! I want to HELP you hit your next PR or your first $5K month! Reach out to me and let’s chat about how we can get you there!