lucky number 7

I don't get many things right the first time.  In fact, I am told that a lot.  But I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls, brought me here.  And where was I before the day when I first saw your lovely face?  Now I see it everyday.  And I know that I am, I am, I am The Luckiest...


What if I'd been born 50 years before you in a house on a street where you lived?  Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike.  Would I know?  And in a white sea of eyes, I'd see one pair that I'd recognize.  And I'd know that I am, I am, I am The Luckiest...


Next door, there's an old man who lived to his nineties and one day passed away in his sleep.  His wife, she lived for a couple of days and passed away.  I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong.  That I know that I am, I am, I am The Luckiest...



These words bring tears to my eyes every time I hear them (or just write them down - I'm sobbing like a little girl right now).  I know that nothing can explain our love for each other better than our song.  And it's especially fitting today, on our (lucky) 7th anniversary...


I can't even begin to tell you how lucky I feel every day to get to wake up next to you by my side.  To have someone in my life who knows me so well, who understands all my stupid little quirks, who doesn't make fun of me (most of the time) when I cry over really stupid stuff, who knows that I'll be in a better mood if I eat or go for a run, who tolerates my irrational fears and will get out of bed and go down 2 flights of stairs to kill a spider for me, who supports me everything I want to do or think about doing, and who chooses to love my crazy, type A personality anyway.  I never thought I could love you more than I did 7 years ago on this day, but my heart grows bigger every single day.  Especially seeing you as a daddy to our little girl.  Believe me when I say that we both (well, 3 of us now, really) are so lucky to have you in our lives.


This past year has brought twists and turns that I had no idea how we would get through, but somehow you knew exactly what to say or do to pull us through.  I am so looking forward to year number 7 of our marriage as I know it is going to be our luckiest year yet!  How could it not be - a new job, a new house, and a new baby.  And I am so lucky that I get to spend another year holding your hand.  I'm lucky that I'll get to spend 77 more lucky years with you as my husband.  Happy anniversary - I love you, Matt.

PS - This is as mushy as I get.  Expect a funny card later... ;)