california trip 2014
Happy 4th of July! So, this is going up a little later than I had expected but I was determined to get it up today. I'm apparently a lot busier in the summer than I expected (3 online classes, building a house, holidays, and oh yeah, that little gal that I have to care for), but I'm trying to do my best to find time when I can to get some posts written!MacKenna had a huge meltdown this morning because I wouldn't hold her (I swear, if I had just a PENNY for every time she asked me to hold her, we'd be able to pay our house in full AND buy a new car), and thankfully, my mom saw the need for us to get a little break and took her to the store for a little while, so I found a little extra time on my hands (after making food for a BBQ today). So, the promised California post!My dad's two sisters live out in California, as do 6 of my 7 cousins on that side, so when one of them gets married, we're beyond excited to fly out there to celebrate and be annoying midwest tourists for a week. My cousin Katherine was getting married (to a really great guy, I might add) up in San Luis Obisbo, so after a 4 hour flight into LAX, we had another 3.5 hours in the car to actually get to the wedding sight. Amazingly, both kiddos - MacKenna and my nephew Braden - were absolutely AWESOME on both the flight and the car ride. We were nervous but we had plenty to keep MacKenna entertained for 7-ish hours.The first day was pretty low key - mostly involving food and LOTS of driving, so you can just check out my post from Wednesday if you missed it. We ate plenty of delicious food, that's for sure!Friday was the wedding day, but we had lots of time to kill before we needed to get to Avila Beach for the wedding. MacKenna was really wanting a beach vacation, so we hit up Pismo Beach. I don't think I've ever had to wear a jacket to the beach, but California beaches are a little different. Especially with a heavy marine layer at 11 AM. But, Kenna (and Braden) absolutely LOVED it!
After a nap and a shower, we headed to Katherine + Dan's gorgeous wedding. The wedding was at the Avila Beach Golf Resort, which is just off the beach with absolutely beautiful views! Plus, tacos for dinner, cupcakes, s'mores, dancing, and of course, spending time with family. Kenna spent most of the night on the dance floor - the only time we could get her off was if we told her she could play with Playdoh.
We spent Saturday traveling back down to LA since that is where the majority of my family lives, and because we couldn't take a trip to California without going to Disneyland! We spent Sunday and Monday pretty much all day at Disney, hopping between Disneyland and California Adventure. It was probably the best time I have ever had at a Disney park, just because of MacKenna's reaction to everything. We rode a bunch of rides that MacKenna could (Dumbo, Roger Rabit, Winnie the Pooh, Little Mermaid, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc.) and a few adult rides (I could only ride Soarin' Over California - the rest were no-no's for expecting mamas - but that's my favorite anyway) and of course, did this...
I'm not going to lie, I sobbed watching her meet her "idol". It was just so sweet! Minnie even said (signed) that she wanted to take Kenna home with her. So, after that, I was determined to see every character we could (who didn't have a ridiculously long line - so Anna and Elsa were out - I don't do 3 hour lines).
Our last day in the parks was spent watching World of Color at California Adventure. Wow, just wow! Disney really knows how to do things right - it was totally worth staying way past MacKenna's bedtime and at Disney for 12 hours.
Our last day in California was another tourist day - this time to Huntington Beach. I think if I ever move to California (I won't, I'm way too midwest), I will live in Huntington Beach and become either a surfer or a professional sand volleyball player. It was like my dream beach - people were up and active, surfing, playing volleyball, walking along the pier or coast line. It was just gorgeous! And of course, MacKenna loved playing in the sand - it was hard to take her away!
I think MacKenna really wanted another beach vacation this year, but I don't think you can beat the look on her face when she met Minnie Mouse. Totally worth the trip!