when life gets busy…

Just dropping in to say hi and to give a quick update about a couple of things…

In case you missed it last week, I posted MacKenna’s 20 month Munchkin Meals.  I don’t really get a chance to read blogs until the end of the week so I didn’t get the message that Brittany bumped Munchkin Meals to today.  Oops.  So, if you’re dropping by here looking for munchkin meals, you’ll need to head back a week for my update.

Also, my our life just got a little bit more overwhelming as we have decided to go ahead and sell our house in the very near future.  We first have to get a ton of little (and some big) things done before we can put our house on the market, and with a July 31st deadline, we are going to be beyond busy trying to get everything done.  Add on to that another quick vacation, volleyball camp, volleyball tryouts, and school starting at the beginning of August… Yup, my plate is completely full.

I have some fun posts and reviews planned in the next few weeks, so I’m going to try to blog as much as I can, but please understand that blogging is definitely going to be taking a back seat on the priority list.  I was just feeling like I was sort of getting a groove back, but I know that I can’t make blogging the priority right now or really during the fall volleyball season (way too many late nights and things to do).  I know ya’ll understand.  Thanks for reading regardless of how often I post! ;)

And to make it up to you guys, I’ll leave you with a picture of MacKenna from our vacation.

MacKenna squat

Seriously, can she get any cuter?!  I might just be a tad biased though…