i'm a #motherrunner: julia
I'm so excited to feature my first #motherrunner on the blog today! If you're a fellow mother runner and would like to be featured on The Concrete Runner, go fill out this form and I will feature you in the next couple of weeks or months. Right now, I'll probably only be doing this about once a month, but I'd love to be able to do it more often. It's been so fun reading other moms' accomplishments and their passion for running and their families. Plus, it gives me new people to stalk follow on social media! ;) You definitely don't have to be a blogger or even active on social media - I would just love to hear from you!This month's featured #motherrunner is Julia from the Petite Fastinista!Name: Julia
Age: 31Hometown: Morristown, NJBlog: www.thepetitefastinista.com
Instagram: @juliafastinista
Number of years running: 16Names + Ages of Kids: Frankie - 2 months (woohoo for new moms!)Favorite Distance to Run: 5k and Half marathons...5ks test your speed and halfs test your toughnessFavorite or Most Memorable Race: Running the Rock n Roll Philly Half a few years ago. I had wanted to break 1:50 but a small injury set me back. My time was exactly 1:50 but it was the energy of the crowds and the scenery that made it so fun and memorable.Best Running Accomplishment: A little over 3 years ago, I ran my fastest 5K at 22:38...I'm still hoping to get faster!Best Parenting Accomplishment: Breastfeeding (every mama would agree with this and should be sooooo proud for being able to!)Advice for how you fit running into your busy schedule: Don't beat yourself up if you can't have a set schedule, some weeks will be easier than others. Right now I'm lucky if I can get out and run once a week, but I sneak in other types of exercise throughout the day to stay active. Workout clothes are my "momiform" so I'm ready whenever I get 10 minutes to do a quick sweat session.Best parenting advice you’ve gotten: To trust my mommy instincts. Listen to the advice but you know your baby better than anyone else!Thank you so much for sharing Julia! Be sure to check out her blog and follow her on Instagram - she has adorable pictures of her little guy![Tweet "Julia shares how her "momiform" helps her fit in exercise anytime in this month's #motherrunner!"]