#gostl half marathon training: week 12

We're in the final stretch of half marathon training.  I have to admit though, this week I was feeling a little frustrated with my paces.  While I know that I am a fast runner - I totally get that - I still feel like I am not quite where I was before I got pregnant with Miles.Back in 2013 - the last time I ran GO! St. Louis with my brother - I was probably in the best shape of my life.  I set 3 new PRs that year, including my current half marathon and 5K PRs.  Timehop has definitely helped in reminding me exactly where my paces were on a daily basis:  hanging out in the sub-8 minute mile zone.I was talking to my brother early last week about running the race since I know this is a busy time of year for him (he is a high school music teacher and this week is "tech week" for him before his musical this coming weekend), so I just wasn't sure if he was still planning on running with me.  He said he still was and that he was still determined to run the race right around the 1:30 mark.  Oh, and that he had been running almost 5 miles in 30 minutes.  Yeah, my jaw just dropped to the floor too, no worries.  I ran a 7K a week ago just under 30 minutes - no where close to where he is running.I know I'm not my brother.  Believe me, that's been a struggle for me my whole life since I am the second child.  We both have different strengths and weaknesses.  When we ran cross country together in middle school, we would always be paired up as pace partners since we ran the same pace, even being 3 years apart (I was in 5th grade when he was in 8th).  Running has been my sport and I hate being competitive + jealous, especially with my brother, but ugh, that's frustrating!Do I think I can keep up with him on race day?  I don't know.  I definitely think I will run a much stronger race than I did at Rock 'n' Roll Chicago back in July since I am in much better shape than I was then, but I'm still not where I want to be.  I know how I want to run the race and I have been trying to train for the race that day, but only time will tell where I will be.OK, rant over.  Otherwise, besides being totally frustrated, it actually really was a good training week.  And I will certainly miss my 6 AM runs I had during my spring break.  It was my highest mileage week and I was able to get in some really great workouts.The Concrete Runner - Training Week 12Monday:  45 minute easy run (5.47 miles @ 8:14/mile)IMG_4479Tuesday:  8 x 400m w/ 200m recoveries (6.18 miles total @ 8:19/mile)4 x Tabata of each:SquatsSitupsPushupsSide SkatersBox JumpsIMG_4493Wednesday:  30 minute easy run (3.64 miles @ 8:14/mile)AMRAP in 10 minutes of:Push-Press 10xBox Jumps 10xIMG_4526Thursday:  4 rounds:Pushups 5xLunges Jumps 10xSitups 15xSquats 20xFriday:  40 minute tempo run (5.14 miles @ 7:47/mile)IMG_4545Saturday:  90 minute long run w/ fast finish (11.13 miles @ 8:05)IMG_4576Sunday:  OFF - Happy Easter!Total:  31.56 milesIt's officially taper time.  A longish run this week of just over an hour and then it's all down hill from here!