You are NOT alone when it comes to fitting in time to workout! Believe me, every single busy mom I talk to struggles with finding the time to workout or with motivation to get out the door. The majority of the runners I work with one-on-one hire me as their coach because they need structure, guidance, and motivation to get out the door each day. Just look at all these Mother Runners’ struggles when it comes to their training…
This is my struggle too. Sometimes I am SO unmotivated to get out of bed, especially when I see a 3 or 4 as the first number on my alarm clock. My bed feels SO comfortable and I struggle to keep my eyes open as I put on my clothes most mornings. There are even days where I’ve gotten completely dressed for my workout, only to put my PJs back on for 30 more minutes of sleep. Sad, right?!We only have so many hours in the day and running is just one more thing we have to fit in between work, kids, activities, dinner, cleaning the house, etc. But, should it be more of a priority? Do you really not have the time… or are you just making excuses because you are lacking MOTIVATION?One this that I’ve done to help me stop making excuses is by creating a daily “schedule” of everything that I have to do during the day. I start by listing out my priorities in order of importance - or time spent on my schedule:
- Work - there’s really no way around my 8 hour work day + hour long commute
- Family - because they are ALWAYS the most important thing in my life
- Time for myself - this includes my daily workout + self-care (like showering, sleep, other hobbies, etc.)
- Business - while I wish this could be higher on the list, it’s just not possible right now
I then created a spreadsheet of each hour in my day and started with my top priority (work) and then scheduled all my priorities throughout.You can see that my day is pretty jam packed, BUT I’ve found time for ALL of my priorities. There is some sacrifice on my part in terms of sleep (luckily, I do pretty well on 6-7 hours each night) and my hobbies (like reading), but running + showering are always on the top of my self-care list simply because it’s my time to be alone. If I didn’t have that time every morning to spend by myself, I would NOT be a pleasant person to be around! My husband has literally had to force me to go run some days because I am in such a bad mood when I don’t get that time to myself. And I always give myself some time to get some silent work time after work (at least when I’m not coaching).So, do you REALLY not have time for yourself? Because if you look at my schedule, you can see that it’s FULL to the brim, but I MAKE that time for me. That time is just as important as any other time. It keeps me healthier, which will help me live longer (hopefully). It makes me happier, which makes people actually WANT to spend time with me. And it makes me a better wife + mom because I don’t have to worry about NOT having that time to myself.Are you making excuses about time, money, etc. that are keeping you from achieving your running goals this year? How would you FEEL if you spent that time on YOU and were able to achieve those goals?I’d LOVE to help you achieve your goals this year and help you find time for YOU, instead of making excuses. I will motivate you to get that run + workout in and help you SMASH your running goals! My Elite Running Academy will help you make yourself + your training a priority, while still giving you time for those other priorities in your life. You’ll begin training like an Elite runner, taking your training to the next level, so that you can feel CONFIDENT in accomplishing your goals! And guess what? You don’t have to make excuses - I’ll be with you every step of the way!
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