I have to say, February 2017 will go down as probably the BEST month of running in my LIFE!  So far…I’ve never felt more confident in my running, and it is PAYING OFF.  I’ve been working my badass off, trying to hit my splits on all of my important workouts, and I’m actually starting to enjoy the challenge.  1000-meter repeats?  BRING. IT. ON.  Even days when I haven’t hit my splits or have been at the very top of my splits have put me one step closer to achieving my BIG goals this year.  I’m measuring my progress week to week instead of waiting until a race.  And I’m seeing gains in my speed week after week.For example, I did 5 x 1000-meter repeats 3 weeks in a row.  They are my least favorite workout, but like I said, they are growing on me.  I went from running 3:58-4:00 splits 2 weeks in a row, to running 3:51 splits consistently my 3rd week.  Easy runs in the 7-minute range are starting to feel easier and more comfortable every day.And best of all, I could have JOGGED into a HUGE PR at my last race.  Running an 18:49 for 3-miles, would’ve put me at a 19:32 5K.  A 19:32!!!!!!!  That’s 13-seconds faster than my GOAL this year!  And I’m SO ready to conquer that 5K this year.  Although I still don’t even have one on my schedule yet.  I thought about doing one this past weekend, but I really feel like my body needs a break from racing every other weekend since the beginning of December.  My next race is March 11 - a 7K.  So, I might not have an official 5K time, but you better believe, I’ll be looking at that split at the 3.10 mile mark!March goals are to just continue to see progress.  I’ll probably do another month or two of high intensity, low volume training, and then I’m thinking about ramping up my mileage a little bit to get ready to run the KT82 in June and possibly the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago half marathon again in July.  I DO need to get a 5K on my race calendar in the next 2 months though.  Unfortunately, track season starts next week (this week for the Hubs), so my weekend racing time will be a little more limited.I’m also going to cross off a BIG bucket list item in March - running in Central Park!  My gal pals and I will be headed to New York in a few weeks and I am looking forward to getting some mileage in a new place!  I’d love to eventually say that I’ve run in every state (I don’t really travel enough to race in every state), so I’m excited to scratch New York off my list soon!February Miles:  90.32Year-to-Date:  189.62A year ago, I was stuck in a major training plateau.  My times weren’t budging and I was beyond frustrated with my training.  I wasn’t “in love” with running anymore, simply because I wasn’t seeing the progress I wanted to make.So, I decided to change up my training, adding in higher intensity training and lower volume.  Less mileage + more speed work.  While it typically goes against most training plans, it helped me bust out of my plateau and I am FASTER than I’ve ever been before!I’ve adapted this training to help other runners bust out of their plateau and achieve PRs they never thought they could achieve.  Not only that, but they’re starting to THINK + EAT like Elite Runners as well.Want to start training like an Elite Runner?  The Elite Running Academy begins NEXT MONDAY!  Let me help you bust through your training plateau and help you achieve your running goals this year!  You’ll get a training plan, strength training workouts that take less than 20-minutes to complete with little to no equipment, a nutrition guide, and access to a private Facebook community where I will provide you personal support in your training!  I will be hopping in the group LIVE each week to answer any training questions you might have so that you can begin seeing progress in your training!Are you ready to train like an Elite?!
