The 3 things you NEED to be doing to run your next PR

A lot of runners come to me for 2 reasons:

  1. They ran a race back in the fall or spring and just CANNOT get motivated to run again.
  2. They are desperately trying to PR or BQ but don’t know what to do in order to do it.

While these may seem like 2 very different things, a lot of the same things go hand in hand. Here are the 3 things that you NEED in order to either find the motivation to RUN again, or achieve that big PR or BQ that you’ve been working toward…You need to be CONSISTENT.This is really hard for those people who trained for a fall or spring full or half marathon.  That many weeks of training leaves you feeling pretty burnt out and unmotivated to actually get out the door every day.  But, every day that you DON’T run, the more of that fitness you built up during training is going to disappear.If you have BIG GOALS in 2018, whether it is to PR or qualify for Boston, you absolutely MUST be consistent in your training.  If you are only running 1 day per week or you don’t have a set schedule of when you are going to run, there is absolutely NO WAY you will be able to achieve your goals.  Harsh but true.You absolutely NEED a plan to follow and if you need more motivation, you need some accountability as well.  But, the goal is to find 3-6 days per week to run that you can stay consistent with. No more than 6 (you need a rest day) and no less than 3 (it’ll be pretty hard to achieve any goals you have for your RUNNING if you are running less than 3 times per week).  Figure out what works best for your goals + your schedule and STICK WITH IT!If you want to run FAST, you have to train FAST.Plain and simple.  If you don’t get your legs moving at a faster pace, there is no way you will race at a faster pace.Your plan NEEDS to include at least 1 speed session per week if you want to PR or hit a certain time.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to get back to sub-30 5Ks or you’re trying to run a new PR, your plan must include some sort of speed training.  Great ways to do this is with short intervals (200s and 400s), longer intervals (800s and 1000s), and tempo runs (3-5 miles as your threshold pace). Pick one day per week that you can commit to hitting up the track or just running fast and you’ll quickly see an increase in your speed!  (No pun intended… really.)This does NOT mean you run fast every single day though.  The other runs you do during the week should be EASY. Think 1-2 minutes slower than your race pace.  So if your race pace is an 8-minute mile, you should be running your easy runs at a 9-10 minute mile pace.  Believe me, I know it seems slow, but your body will THANK YOU, especially after those speed work days.You NEED to be strength training.I know I said you need to run faster, but in order to take your training to the next level, strength training is KEY.  Not only will it make you a STRONGER runner, but it will help to prevent injuries as well.This doesn’t mean you go to the gym and do a bunch of bicep curls though.  I honestly cannot tell you the last time I actually did a bicep curl. Why?  Because how in the world is that going to help me be a faster runner?! While I definitely think you need to train your upper body for running (anyone else deal with hurting neck + shoulders during a long run?!), the training you need to do should be functional.  That means it should help you specifically with your running. Now, if you just want to get “cut”, do all the bicep curls you want. But, if your goal is truly faster running, you should be doing strength exercises that work your quads, calves, hamstrings, hips, glutes, back, chest, and shoulders.  And they should all involve more than one joint, i.e. a bicep curl only moves your elbow joint, whereas a squat works both your knee and hip joints.While I prefer high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), as long as you are doing functional movements, this will help you gain strength and SPEED as a runner!If all of this sounds amazing and you’re ready to SMASH your goals out of the water, my Elite Running Academy gives you all 3 of these things that you NEED!  You’ll get...

  • A 6-week running plan to help you kick off your training or help you bust through a plateau, with 3 different levels to choose from (Couch to 5K, 5K/10K training, half marathon training)
  • 4 days of strength training workouts per week with my personal guidance on how to fit them into your current training plan (exercises are appropriate for runners of all ages and sizes, and modifications will be included for those individuals who need lower impact workouts or can only workout at home or on the road)
  • An easy-to-follow nutrition program that will help you run harder for longer
  • A supportive and motivational online community to help keep you accountable during the 6-weeks and beyond
  • Daily motivation, tips, and personal support from a certified strength and conditioning specialist and running coach

Just check out the results my runners are achieving in just 6-weeks!Registration is open with prep-week beginning June 17th!  I can’t WAIT to help you kick off your summer training running FASTER than ever!
