Wanna get FASTER?! Here are 3 speed workouts to help!

As most runners know, in order to run FAST you have to run FAST!  However, I know there is a lot of different workouts you can do in order to get faster, so which ones do you choose?!Ultimately, there are 3 different types of workouts that will help you get FASTER:

  • Interval workouts
  • Repetition workouts
  • Threshold workouts

Most of you have probably heard of track workouts and just assumed that all track workouts are the same.  However, there is a difference between repetition + interval workouts, and you want to be including BOTH as part of a well-balanced training program to increase speed.Intervals and repetition workouts are very similar.  The big difference is the amount of REST you get with each workout.  In an interval training session, you will have an equal time recovery.  For example, if you were doing an 800m interval session, you would most likely recovery for 800m or the same amount of time it took you to complete the 800 interval.A repetition workout differs in that your rest or recovery time is going to be less than your repetition time, giving your body the ability to spend more time at a higher speed.  So, if we took our 800 interval workout and turned it into a repetition workout, we would recover for half the time (a 400m jog) or half the time it took to run the 800.These workouts serve different purposes and therefore should be included at different points in your training.  Intervals are typically included early on in your training and repetition workouts Threshold workouts serve a very similar purpose as repetition workouts, except they are going to be for longer period of time with less recovery time, if any.  These workouts are going to help build speed endurance. You will sustain faster running speeds for a longer period of time (compared to intervals or repetition).  Threshold workouts can include repetitions or a sustained time or distance. We typically think of these as tempo runs, but the goal is to get into our lactate threshold state, teaching our body to sustain faster periods of running so we can run faster for a longer period of time.Here are some great examples of threshold workouts:

  • 3-4 x 1 mile at threshold pace with 1 minute standing rest
  • 3-4 miles at threshold pace with no rest
  • 30 minutes at threshold pace + 6 x 200m intervals

Ultimately, the goal of speed workouts is to tax your system in different ways to help build up both your speed and endurance to help you get into the best racing shape of your life.  This also means that you need to be running at the right pace as well.  Running your intervals, repetitions, or threshold workouts too fast or too slow won’t benefit you.  You want to be training where you are at RIGHT NOW, not where you are wanting to be.Don’t know your paces?  Check out the VDOT calculator to determine your training paces!If you’re ready to SMASH your goals out of the water, my Elite Running Academy will give you the exact workouts you NEED to run your FASTEST 5K, 10K, or half marathon!  You’ll get...

  • A 6-week running plan to help you kick off your training or help you bust through a plateau, with 3 different levels to choose from (Couch to 5K, 5K/10K training, half marathon training)
  • 4 days of strength training workouts per week with my personal guidance on how to fit them into your current training plan (exercises are appropriate for runners of all ages and sizes, and modifications will be included for those individuals who need lower impact workouts or can only workout at home or on the road)
  • An easy-to-follow nutrition program that will help you run harder for longer
  • A supportive and motivational online community to help keep you accountable during the 6-weeks and beyond
  • Daily motivation, tips, and personal support from a certified strength and conditioning specialist and running coach

Just check out the results my runners are achieving in just 6-weeks!Registration for the June 24th program is OPEN!  I can’t WAIT to help you kick off your summer training running FASTER than ever!
