#gostl half marathon training: week 2
Hope everyone had a great weekend, even though I know it is already halfway through the week now. We had off for MLK Day, so I chose to also take Monday off from blogging in exchange for some extra time with family and friends.It’s definitely been a busy couple of days, just getting stuff done around the house and dealing with two kiddos with snotty noses. I honestly just got out of Miles’ room – it’s hard to suck your thumb when you can’t breathe out of your nose… I’m hoping for a peaceful night of sleep, but only time will tell…Thankfully, busy-ness and lack of sleep has not interfered with running too much. Snow is currently messing with my running schedule, but that’ll have to wait until next week. I had a really great week of running last week, concluding with my first race of 2016! I’m planning on recapping the race in a separate post, so stay tuned for that on Friday.Monday: 45 minute easy run (5.45 miles @ 8:16/mile)5 rounds:Burpees 10xPushups 10xJumping Jacks 10xSitups 10x Tuesday: 10 x 20 seconds with 1 minute recovery (2.46 miles @ 8:07/mile)3 rounds:Run 400mSitups 25xBridges 25x
Wednesday: 25 minute easy run (3.08 miles @ 8:08/mile) Thursday: 30 minute tempo run – 10 minute easy // 10 minutes hard // 10 minutes easy (3.84 miles 7:49/mile)2 rounds:Run 800mPushups 30xFront Squats 30xSitups 30x
Friday: 5 minute barefoot run (0.6 miles @ 8:34/mile)3 rounds:Lunges 50xPlank 1 minuteTuck Jumps 50xSaturday: 6K race - race recap coming Friday!
Sunday: OFFTotal: 20.86 milesPretty good week, especially with some crazy ranges in temperatures – 20-degrees one day, 60-degrees just 2 days later. I’m on a mission to run as many miles as I can outside, but if you looked out my window right now, you’d see 3+ inches of snow. Snow makes things a little more difficult, but I’ll find a way to get at least some mileage in until the snow melts. I might be searching out how to attach some screws to the bottom of my shoes for some traction. I see some snow/ice running gadgets on my list next Christmas…