#gostl half marathon training: week 1
(Yes, Brian. I started training already. You want me to run a sub-1:30 half marathon with you, I need a few more weeks of training.)One week down. 13 more to go. Or should I say 17 more to go until the end of the school year. The first week back to work went pretty well. It's always interesting the first week back. Brand new classes. Lots of reviewing expectations. And just busy, busy, busy. By Thursday, I barely had a voice, and by Saturday night, I was passed out by 8:45.Thankfully, the weekend was perfectly relaxing. The only thing we had planned was a birthday party for Kenna's BFF Molly next door. We spent all day Sunday in our PJs, organizing and cleaning around the house (we put away the Christmas decorations on Saturday), and of course, playing with the kiddos. I missed them terribly this past week. Again, only 17 weeks left until summer break...Last week started my first week of training for the GO! St. Louis half marathon. This is the first time I'm following my own training plan - one that I've written entirely myself based off of what has worked for me in the past. The general plan looks something like this:Monday: semi-long runTuesday: leg speed // short speed run // easy runWednesday: easy runThursday: hill training // tempo // long intervalsFriday: short barefoot runSaturday: long runSunday: offOf course, I will probably have to move some of those workouts around to fit my work and coaching schedule, but otherwise, that's the basic plan. Taking 2+ months off of any real training definitely helped too. My easy runs feel easy, and I actually feel like I can handle the distance and semi-long runs during the week. My first week actually went really well:Monday: 45 minute semi-long run (5.58 miles @ 8:04/mile)5 rounds:Inverted Rows 20xBench Dips 16x Tuesday: 30 minute easy run (3.73 miles @ 8:03/mile)5 rounds:Situps 20xSupermans 16x
Wednesday: 30 minute easy run (3.58 miles @ 8:11/mile - actually my watch died so I didn't quite get 30 minutes)Yoga Date w/ my BFF - we did this video, and it. was. AWESOME.Thursday: 6 x hill intervals (4.05 miles @ 8:06/mile)3 rounds:Front Squats 30x, 45#Situps 30x
Friday: 5 minute barefoot run (0.58 miles @8:38/mile)5 rounds:Bench Dips 20xDumbbell Thrusters 20x, 10#
Saturday: 50 minute long run (6.02 miles @ 8:17/mile)
Sunday: OFFTotal: 23.54 milesStrength training went great this week too. My goal is 3-4 CrossFit WODs each week and yoga one day each week. My BFF and I are trying to do a yoga date one night a week after the kids go to bed - just a random video that we do together. I LOVED the BodyRock yoga one we did last week. I felt AMAZING afterward. I'm gradually working my way back into CrossFit too - after Thursday's workout, my legs are still sore. Sub-1:30 half here I come!