Is the F-word Keeping You From Your TRUE Potential?

I spent this past weekend soaking up the sun in beautiful Nassau, Bahamas. It was literally a DREAM come true, but let me tell you, it was NOT easy getting there.I EARNED this trip as part of an incentive challenge through my network marketing company. When they first announced this challenge way back in February, I was like, “YES! This is going to be so easy! I’m going to qualify and I’m going to get Matt to come with me for FREE as well!”All I needed was 100 points, and I could get 80 of those points simply by maintaining my rank.Those 80 points were honestly really easy. Because I was at the LOWEST rank to qualify, it was pretty easy for me to consistently hit my rank.But, let me tell you, I had to really step out of my comfort zone to earn those last 20 points.To get those last 20 points, I had to help the women on my team hit their next rank. And as much as I would love to tell you those last 20 points were on THEM and not ME, that’s 110% FALSE.Those last 20 points relied on ME and MY SHOULDERS. I was responsible for HELPING them, for guiding them, for teaching them everything they needed to do to step up to their next level.And it took me ALL 8 months to do it.Wanna know why?Because I was SCARED.I was scared of what that next level looked like for me. I was scared that I couldn’t be a good enough leader. I was scared that I wasn’t going to do it “right.” I was scared of FAILING. I was scared of SUCCESS.In order for those girls to hit THEIR next rank, I needed to STEP UP into a place of leadership that I didn’t think I was worthy of. Even as I stepped onto the resort in the Bahamas this past weekend, I felt so unworthy of being there.I was one of 1,000 people in a company of 200,000 partners that had earned this trip. And I didn’t feel like I should be there.Because I didn’t feel like I was as GOOD or as SUCCESSFUL as everyone else. I’m not my mentors. I’m not the top earners in the company. I’m never on a leaderboard or blowing up our team page with new team members and rank advancements.I’m nothing special and I didn’t feel like I could be at the same level as these women who are CRUSHING IT in the business are.But, you know what?That’s a LIE that I continue to tell myself to keep myself safe.What if I’m disappointed in the outcome? What if I push myself really hard only to fail? What if I try and it’s not good enough?I noticed this come up again as I run my first race of the year tomorrow night. I’ve trained for 3 months for this race - my ONLY race of 2018. I haven’t raced in almost a year, and even though I’m trained for it, I was ready to back out. I made excuses that I wanted to do it with my husband so that I wouldn’t be disappointed in the outcome.I’m not anywhere NEAR where I was a year ago, but I’ve also dealt with injuries on and off for the past year and my goals have been less about running than they have been about life + business.It’s going to SUCK. It’s going to HURT. You’re going to jump and hope to land on your feet. Sometimes you will, and sometimes you’re going to land flat on your face.But, I guarantee you, the best runners, the top income earners, the most successful people in life, they didn’t get there by not trying or by thinking they weren’t worthy. In fact, they failed over + over + over again. And they picked themselves up, brushed themselves off, and said, “OK, that didn’t work. Let’s try something else.”I don’t know about you, but I know I’m not at my potential yet, in running or business or life. I know I have SO much more that I can offer to the world, but I know I’m NEVER going to get there if I don’t try or if I’m afraid of what happens if I’m successful.What is stopping you from getting to the next level in YOUR life?
