#Last90Days Check-In

We are officially one month in to the #Last90Days Challenge! I don’t know about you but October FLEW by! Which is sad, because it’s my favorite month of the year (aka my birthday month).Last week, a sweet reader (shout out to Amy for reaching out!) asked me how my last 90 days challenge was going. And I’ve gotta be honest…It hasn’t been going great. <womp womp>OK, I might be beating myself up a little too much, but I’m not proud with how October went. Of course, there were some really, really positive things about October. I was very focused on my business activity and made a ton of progress in my mindset last month. And for me, that’s a HUGE win. I truly feel like I’ve found my purpose in my business (to be an online business manager + mentor to women in the online space, as well as a teacher + motivator to those of you who are simply just wanting to follow along on my life journey), and I’ve never felt so positive in my direction in life as I do right now.But, as far as those little commitments I made to myself at the beginning of October… well, I could have been better.Here’s a little refresher as to what I committed to doing for the last 90 days of the year:

  • Drinking 60+ ounces of water every single day - BEFORE I can have ANY alcohol
  • Plugging my phone in the other room at bedtime so it’s not the first thing I look at in the morning
  • Not hitting snooze in the morning (putting my phone in the other room will help with this)
  • Choosing between alcohol or dessert in the evenings - if I have one, I won’t have the other
  • Drinking a green smoothie every single day
  • Writing my goals + journaling every single day

What’s really interesting looking at this list is that the things that aren’t nutrition related have been really, really simple. I’ve been putting my phone in the living room every night before bed + I’m sort of obsessed. I’m now starting my day on MY terms instead of letting my Facebook or Instagram feed dictate how I start my day. I’m still spending too much time on my phone, but the screen time setting (I have mine set from 3:30 to 8PM everyday so I can focus on family time) + not bringing it into my room every night has certainly helped. I’m much more aware of my scrolling and have been much more intentional about my time on my phone most of the time. Of course, I’m not perfect and there are still times where I just scroll FB/IG because I’m bored, but for the most part, I’m feeling so much better about my phone time.But, I digress. When it comes to nutrition, let’s just say nothing has really changed. I’m TRYING to drink more water, but it’s still one of my biggest struggles. I’ve been drinking LESS alcohol and eating LESS desserts, but I haven’t been choosing one over the other. I haven’t been drinking my green smoothie every day. And honestly, I have no excuses for any of these… except that I just don’t “feel like it” most days.What a TERRIBLE excuse and exactly the point of this entire challenge. Why do we keep breaking promises to ourselves?! Why do we keep making excuses that it’s OK to just NOT do something?!It’s not OK, and it has to stop.So, I’m recommitting, once again, to finish the last 60 days of the year strong. No excuses. I’m drinking 60 ounces of water per day. I’m drinking my green smoothie daily (good thing I bought more protein powder today). I’m choosing between alcohol + dessert (because I DO NOT need both).Reflect on your goals for this challenge and I challenge YOU to recommit to the same goals and stop making excuses for not doing it!
