end of summer = new beginnings

I can’t believe it’s the first day of August already!  Seriously, what happened to July?  Oh yeah, this…

Trip to Gulf Shores with my family.




Trip to Branson with Matt’s family.



Girls weekend in Chicago.



Although I still have about 3 weeks off until my school year starts, Matt’s starts today with meetings all this week (students start next Monday, which is INSANE).  So really, I feel like my summer is officially over since I don’t get to spend every waking second with this guy…


Sniff, sniff.

It also makes me realize how little we got done on my “to-do list” this summer.  Remember back in late May when I had all these grand plans to do this summer – our last summer alone before our sweet little girl arrives?  Well, we got close but didn’t quite get to everything.  Luckily, most of the things we didn’t get around to are St. Louis things that we can hopefully do on the weekends, before cross country season starts.

As much as I hate that we didn’t get around to everything I wanted to do this summer, I still feel like we had an amazing summer.  Yes, it went by way too fast for my liking, but I am actually really excited for what lies ahead.  August means the start of the school year – a time of year I have always loved because it means new beginnings.  And we have some much to look forward to in the next couple of months.  Lunch dates/happy hours with old friends, baby showers (!!!), birthdays (we have A LOT of fall birthdays), and that one pretty BIG birth day to look forward to in the beginning of October.


Due October 9th, although I’m thinking she’ll be a few days late.

So, yes, the summer has flown by but I am so ready for the next 10 weeks or so to go by so I can finally meet the precious little girl I have grown to love so much already!
