a walk in the park with an old friend

Typically, I’m not one for working out with other people.  I don’t mind running with other people, but it can’t be an everyday thing.  I like to do my own workouts and be in my head.  It’s my “me time” – and you better believe that I will still be making time for my “me time” once our little girl arrives.However, with not being able to run like I would like, walking just isn’t as fun alone.  I am always tempted to bust out the jogging stroller that’s sitting in our garage and go on a walk, even if the stroller is empty.  This is also the reason I really want to have a dog.  I really don’t mind walking at all, but I just don’t really like walking by myself.Luckily, my college roommate Katie was making her way through St. Louis on her way down to Texas from Chicago.  She is starting an internship in School Psychology down south in order to complete her doctorate.  She suggested we meet up for a run/walk, which of course ended up being just a walk since (1) it was freaking 85 degrees with hella humidity at 7:30 AM, and (2) neither of us have been doing much running lately.A little background on our relationship:  Katie and I were paired up as roommates our freshman year of college with 2 other girls.  Yes, we had a 4 person room – attached to another 4 person room with a bathroom in the middle.  Not the ideal living situation, especially when we all didn’t get along.  But, Katie and I hit it off.  She is actually the one who not only got me into running our freshman year of college 8 years ago but also introduced me to the blog world.  I owe Katie a lot – she pretty much introduced me to my 2 favorite hobbies that have changed my life.  We lived together for 2.5 years in college before she graduated a year early and took a semester to study abroad in Spain.  (Seriously, Katie, you make me look like a slacker!)  We don’t get to see each other too often since she lives in Chicago, but luckily, she has family in St. Louis and we always try to meet up when she’s in town.3 Runners

Katie, our friend Ashley, and me after running the St. Louis Half Marathon in 2005 – my first half ever.  She got me addicted to this sport!

Yesterday, we met up at Creve Coeur Park for a little walk.  Like I said, it was brutally hot outside, but being able to catch up on life, blogs, etc. made the heat seem not as bad.  We did 3.6 miles in about an hour, which was perfect for me!100_4647Honestly, not being able to run would be much better if I could find a person to walk with me on a daily basis.  But, for now, I’ll just stick my friend, the treadmill, and watch some TV while I get my sweat on!
