dream job

I hinted at this last week when we were out celebrating, but now I can make it official…

After 2.5 years of searching, I FINALLY received a job offer.  (For those of you who don’t know, I have been the assistant PE teacher at a small private elementary school for the last 2 school years).  And not just any job offer.  I pretty much landed my dream job!

And no, I’m not going to be a stay-at-home mom.  We’ve already determined that that just wasn’t going to be possible.  Unless we wanted to live on ramen noodles for the rest of our lives.  But, I digress…

DSC06177 Obligatory MacKenna picture, because (1) I know you read this blog more for her than for me and (2) this post needed some pictures!

Next school year, I will be teaching middle school Physical Education + Health at a school district just west of where I live now.  Along with teaching, I will also be coaching middle school or high school volleyball (still thinking on that one).

This job could not be more perfect for me.  When I went back to school to get my teaching certificate, I knew I wanted to teach middle school.  It’s such an influential age and I always felt it was my “calling”.  Most people go into teaching because they want to make a difference, whether it is in just one kid’s life or all their students’ lives.  With middle school PE/Health, I felt that I could have the most impact on my students, teaching them how to be active and healthy individuals throughout their lives at an age when they are the most influential.  While I loved teaching elementary the past 2 years, I was still hoping for that middle school position.

And believe it or not, before I was a runner, I was a volleyball player.  I played competitively for 8 years, all through middle/grade school and high school, and have coached freshman + 7th graders in the past.  It is still my favorite sport ever (although I would LOVE to coach cross country/track as well) and I can’t wait to start coaching again.  I’ve missed it!

I still am on cloud 9 since receiving that phone call a week and a half ago!  But, it’s also a little bittersweet.  I’m definitely going to miss the kiddos I’ve had for the past 2 years and my coworkers who have become great friends.  That job taught me a lot about myself as a teacher and a person and I’ve become a much better teacher + person because of that position.  But, I’m so ready for this next stage in my teaching career.

I could not be more excited!

Because I’m actually really interested at what other people do for a living, what is your dream job and are you currently in your dream position?