cotton + chia

My brain has been completely baby-focused lately.  I honestly can’t think of anything else.  In fact, I actually completely forgot my sister-in-law’s birthday gift Sunday night even though I purchased the gift way back in July.  Call it pregnancy brain or just plain forgetfulness, but all I have is baby on the brain.

With my baby-focused energy, I am attempting to finish my baby to-do list (although, I’m not in too much of a hurry since I don’t feel like she is going to be here any time really soon).  Luckily, most of it has been crossed off, but there are still a few things I really need to get done BEFORE the baby arrives.  One of those things just happens to be purchasing + prepping cloth diapers.

I am fortunate enough to actually live near a Cotton Babies store.  Cotton Babies is actually the genius behind many of the newer cloth diaper brands, such as bumGenius (the brand I have chosen to go with).  Not only am I able to easily purchase my cloth diapers in store, I was able to also register there and they offer several baby classes, including Cloth Diapering 101 and Baby Wearing that I am hoping I can participate in post-baby (or before if she decides she wants to show up late).


Originally we had planned on using disposable diapers until she was able to fit in her bumGenius Elemental diapers, but after doing some research on cost of disposables versus cost of newborn cloth diapers, we decided to take the plunge and go for newborn cloth diapers as well.  My mom gave us 12 to start with, but since that will probably only last us a day, I needed to purchase a few more and I wanted to go in the store to buy them instead of buying them online (they offer FREE shipping) since I had a coupon for a FREE newborn diaper.  But, of course, being so baby-focused, I forgot my coupon.  Boo.  So, I only bought 10 for now and will have to go back this weekend to get the last 2 I want.


The other great thing about the Cotton Babies store, it is right next to a Whole Foods!  I hardly ever go to Whole Foods unless I really need something and can’t find it anywhere else.  But, since I purchased the Living Social deal a few weeks back, I decided to use that to buy some healthy snacks for us to bring to the hospital.  (I know, make sense, right?!)


Crackers, fig cookies, organic lollipops, gummy bears + worms, coconut water (so I can stay hydrated with something other than water), and lemon cookies (although I’m pretty sure these will get eaten before I give birth).


I also made some impulse purchases because it’s impossible not to when you go into that store.  In addition to the snack foods, I also bought some chia seeds to replace my stash that has been long gone for awhile, and then I saw what looked like a delicious drink made with chia seeds.


I know, it looks really weird and it sort of is, but this exceeded my expectations!  Slightly sweet and very refreshing, but the texture was definitely different.  It was almost like drinking tapioca or jell-o in juice form.  I like it a lot and would definitely drink it again – although I’m sure it would be cheaper to make at home.  Hmmm…

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever drank or eaten?  I know my mom is rolling her eyes and saying, “You are so weird” in her head right now.  I like to try new things and this was definitely one of the strangest.