baby bump: week 38

ZERO.  I have a feeling this is what I will continue to here at my weekly appointments until I actually go into labor. 

I again have made zero progress, although I was reassured by a second doctor that Baby M is in fact pushing down head first.  I’m not disappointed that my cervix has yet to dilate since really that gives no indication of when you will actually go into labor.  But, I always at least hope for something so that I get some of the contractions + labor pains out of the way.

I go back to the doctor this afternoon where I’m sure I’ll hear another, “Nope, not dilated yet.”  But, we are at least going to sit down and talk to her about the birth plan (waited long enough, didn’t we?) and make sure she is comfortable with everything I want for our baby’s birth.  Hopefully that will put my mind at ease at least a little bit.

I think I am still in a bit of denial that I could have this baby any day now.  Next week is my last week of work (!) and yet, my hospital bag only has toiletries + snacks packed in it.  I just don’t feel like she is going to come early so I’m not feeling the need to rush around and get everything completely ready.  I’m amazed at how relaxed (for the most part) I am right now and how good I feel at 38 weeks pregnant.  She’ll get here when she gets here, and I know I will be giddy with excitement when those first few contractions come (after that, I’m sure I’ll be way too uncomfortable to be excited any more).

Pregnancy has been completely different than what I expected it to be.  I expected to have morning sickness, but only had a little nausea in the evenings and was able to sleep through it.  I expected to be calling my doctor every 5 minutes about something or other, but I only made one extra phone call to my doctor at about week 16 because I was having strange upper abdomen pain that they equated to heartburn (it definitely wasn’t heartburn).  I expected to be completely miserable the entire 3rd trimester, but was really only uncomfortable at the beginning of the 3rd trimester and now seem to feel great.  I expected severe acne, swollen ankles + fingers, horrendous weight gain, not being able to tie my shoes, but my skin is clearer than ever, I’m still wearing my wedding rings, I’ve gained a healthy almost 30 pounds, and can still almost bend over and touch my toes.  I feel amazingly blessed to have had such a flawless pregnancy.  I am hoping this means good things for labor + delivery also!


We are now counting down the days…

10 days left until D-Day!
