date night with my brilliant hubs

Like I said the other day, Matt + I have been trying to soak up every second we have together these final days before welcoming a baby into the mix.  Luckily, we had a weeknight opportunity pop up this week and were more than happy to have a night out on the town together.

I don’t think I’ve really mentioned this before, but Matt is easily one of the smartest people I know.  The first time I realized this was when he figured out how to make drippy faucet stop making the annoying drip sound by taping a piece of string to it so the water would run down the string instead of dropping into the sink.  Seriously, I would have never thought of that!  (Of course, it probably would’ve just been easier to fix the sink, but what do I know…)  He grew up in the gifted program during school and now teaches those same kids as his career.  His intelligence is one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place.

Matt showed more of his brilliance to me last week after writing an essay about tolerance for an essay contest put on by The Fabulous Fox Theatre.  I was a beautifully written piece about how he incorporates teaching tolerance to his students.  So, I wasn’t the least bit surprised when his essay was selected as one of the Top 10!  Brilliant, I tell ya!

So, what does that have anything to do with a date night?  Well, his prize was 2 tickets to see The Addams Family at The Fox!  After deciding not to purchase season tickets to The Fox this year, I was ecstatic to see one of the shows on the season!



And it definitely didn’t disappoint!  The music was memorable (it’s always a good sign when I wake up singing the songs the next morning) and the story line was very well written.  It has us both laughing out loud and they added many modern twists (a crack at Charlie Sheen, talk about texting) which added to the humor.  It definitely exceeded my expectations! 

However, I went into the show thinking it was more of a kids show since Matt grew up watching The Addams Family on TV and I had seen the movie growing up.  It was definitely not as G-rated as I expected it to be.  There was some adult language and some sexual humor, making it more PG-13.  That being said, I still absolutely loved it – definitely better than expected!

I’m not sure how much more of these little date nights we will get together, but I am happy to have them while we can – and without having to drop the baby off at Grandma + Grandpa’s or Gigi + PawPaw’s.  (It is going to be so hard getting used to calling my parents that, but I think Gigi + PawPaw is so cute for grandparent nicknames!)


What’s your favorite musical?  I know, random question.  My favorite is still probably Legally Blonde, but I’m also a sucker for anything Andrew Lloyd Webber.