bloggers, babies, + pi

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet some blogger buddies for the first time.  Maddie had mentioned a few months ago that she would be in St. Louis and that we should meet up.  Not too long after, we found out Michelle would be moving to St. Louis and a blogger meetup was born!

Maddie (along with her hubby Chris and adorable Emmie), Michelle, Katie (and her little guy E), and I met at Pi in Kirkwood for lunch on Sunday.  I’m a bad St. Louisan and have actually never been to Pi.  Matt + I very rarely go out for pizza and if we do, we always go to Dewey’s.  But, I was excited to finally try Pi after having real Chicago-style pizza in Chicago this summer.

I decided on the Western Addition (mozzarella, spinach, feta, ricotta, mushrooms, onion, and garlic) deep dish pizza.  While I’m still not so sure about the cornmeal crust, my pizza was very good.  Saucy and cheesy – just the way I like it.  Of course, any pizza is good to me – I  had pizza 3 out of 6 meals this past weekend!  While Pi definitely doesn’t beat out Dewey’s, it was a nice change from traditional + St. Louis style pizza.  (I did think it was a bit overpriced.  My small deep dish and water cost me $22, including tip.  I wouldn’t go here if I was wanting a beer with my pizza.)

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It was so nice getting to meet Michelle and Katie.  Katie unfortunately had to take off early with her little boy, but it was nice to get to chat for awhile.  Michelle just moved from Miami (is she crazy?) so hopefully the cold weather doesn’t scare her off.  I think St. Louis is a great place for foodies, so hopefully she will fall in love with it like I have!


After lunch, Maddie, Chris, and I took the babies to the Magic House.  I was excited to come back after being there a few days ago and actually get to play!  Emmie + MacKenna are both a little to young to really enjoy the Magic House, but I think they still had a good time looking at the colors and indulging their mommies with cute pictures.




Emmie and MacKenna are only about 2 weeks apart, but it’s amazing how much of a difference 2 weeks makes.  As a parent, it’s so hard not to compare your baby to every other one – I’m so guilty of doing that.  I have to keep reminding myself that every baby is different.  Emmie seemed so much more aware of everything around her and just more advanced than MacKenna.  But, she is 2 weeks older and I know how many changes can occur in a week or 2.  M is definitely learning new things every day, so I know she’s not too far behind.

I can’t wait to take MacKenna back to the Magic House when she’s a little bit older and can really enjoy everything!  I’m so glad Emmie and her are little buddies now, and will hopefully get to see each other again in April for the half marathon before Maddie, Chris, and Emmie move to Georgia.


Thanks for such a fun day, ladies (and Chris)!  We can’t wait to do it again!  Body After Bump post coming up tomorrow!  

**Pictures stolen from Maddie’s blog – she has more extremely cute pictures on her blog of her adorable little girl! Thanks for the pics, Maddie!**

If you’re a parent, do you tend to compare your baby to other babies?  What’s your favorite type of pizza?