fat tuesday eats

Almost every year, Matt + I “sacrifice” something for Lent.  Lent is a time period of confession + reflection in the Christian church and I like to use that time as a reminder of everything He has done for me.  While my sacrifice will never compare to the one the Jesus made for my sins, I like to give something up to serve as a reminder of the sacrifice He made.

I didn’t give up anything last year (unless you count alcohol since I was pregnant at the time), but 2 years ago, Matt + I decided to give up eating after dinner.  Not desserts, per se, but just the after-dinner-before-bed treat.  I’ve done desserts + chocolate in the past, but I always find ways to replace desserts or chocolate (such as large bowls of cereal at night).  So, instead, we are giving up eating after dinner again.  If we want a dessert, it has to be sometime before dinner.  We are allowed drinks after dinner – tea, wine, beer, and maybe an occasional hot chocolate (without marshmallows).  This is not an easy thing for me to do, which is why I think it is the perfect reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

Fat Tuesday wasn’t much of a “fat” day as some people make it out to be.  I tried to get in as much veggies as possible, and you better believe I had a (large) slice of cake AFTER dinner!

Pre-Workout Snack

Homemade peanut butter protein bars that taste like fudge.  No picture though…


MacKenna had a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon, so I got my run in on the treadmill.  A 35 minute tempo:  10 minutes easy, 15 minutes at 7:30-7:47/miles, 10 minutes easy.  It was a nice, sweaty run!


I hope ya’ll don’t get sick of my standard breakfast…

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Strawberry Peach Green Monster

  • 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/3 cup peaches
  • 1/4 cup strawberries
  • a handful of spinach
  • 2 ice cubes

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Blended to perfection.  Yum!

Mid-Morning Snack

Geez, I’m boring.  Honey roasted peanuts!  These are the cheapest nuts at Trader Joe’s (but not the healthiest).

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Leftovers from Monday night’s dinner.  Quinoa, roasted veggies, and crispy tofu – so delicious!  There was an apple involved too.  (I’m an “apple a day” person… yet, I’m getting over a nasty sinus infection right now.)  And hot chocolate, because I was still hungry after lunch. (This is a recurring theme.)

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Afternoon Snack

I seriously can’t get enough Greek yogurt lately!  I’ve never had TJ’s before and it was darn good.  With the world’s best granola of course!  I think it might be Sunbelt brand, but I’m still not positive.

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One of my favorite quick + easy dinners.  Tuscan Pasta – cheese tortellini with Classico sundried tomato Alfredo + tomatoes, basil, and parmesan.  Takes only 15 minutes start to finish – LOVE!

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Plus, a Cadbury egg because I was still hungry after dinner.

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My mother in law’s birthday was last week and we went over to their house this past weekend for pizza + cake.  They got a half a sheet cake for 8 people, so there was a ton left over.  I’m usually not a fan of chocolate frosting, but this literally took the cake!  I would seriously sit and just eat the icing off this if I could, but I won’t.  Perfect last after-dinner treat before 40 days without!

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Are you giving anything up for Lent?  Or have you ever done like a “30 day challenge” before?  What have you done in the past?
