black cat holiday

Growing up, I was never a huge fan of Halloween.  Sure, it was fun to dress up in a costume and walk around the neighborhood with my friends collecting candy.  But, I was never really excited about Halloween, mostly because I hate being scared and having things jump out at me.

However, once we adopted our adorable black cat, my opinion of Halloween changed.  Now, every Halloween, my house is decked out in black cat decor.


We claim Halloween to be “Lucy’s Holiday”, since she is the mascot for all things Halloween.


So, of course, MacKenna dressed up to look just like her big sister Lucy for her first Halloween.




We only stopped by both grandparents’ houses this Halloween (a little too early to start going door-to-door for candy with a 2 week old) to show off our cute little kitty.  But, we fully intend to take our adorable little girl around trick-or-treating next year – and steal her candy when she’s sleeping! ;)



Do you enjoy dressing up for Halloween?  I haven’t dressed up in years (I think since my freshman year of college), but I think dressing up a child is going to be so much more fun!