out for the weekend

Matt + I are still slowly adjusting to being parents.  We had a pretty busy weekend with MacKenna and were actually able to get out for a little while to visit family.  It was really nice for me to actually leave the house since I’ve been cooped up inside since we got home from the hospital over a week ago.

But first, MacKenna and I had some visitors on Friday.  My mom only works about 10 minutes away from my house, so she has come over for lunch every day to keep me company and hold the baby.  I’ve enjoyed her visits very much, since it gives me some adult contact during the day before Matt gets home.  Plus, she’s been a huge help, letting me get stuff done around the house while she takes care of MacKenna and even vacuuming for me since I can’t for a few more days.

Aunt Sara also came over to visit us on Friday afternoon, and was nice enough to bring me some Fritz’s in exchange for some baby holding time.  Just what the doctor ordered:  pumpkin custard with Reese’s mixed in.  Delicious!



Saturday started with a newborn photoshoot by Aunt Angie.  I feel so lucky that Matt’s sister is such a talented photographer and she is more than happy to take millions of pictures of MacKenna for us.  We had a little blow out (read:  projectile pooping) during our shoot, but otherwise, the pictures turned out just beautiful.

photo 3 (3)

photo 5 (2)

photo 2 (3)

photo 1 (3)

photo 4 (2)

Then we took a few trips to visit family who had yet to meet MacKenna.  First stop was at Matt’s grandparent’s (MacKenna’s great-grandparents).  I love them like they are my own grandparents and they were just “tickled to death” to finally meet MacKenna (who is actually named after several relatives on that side of the family – I promise to do a post on how we came up with her name soon).




4 generations all together.  I think MacKenna looks just like that side of the family.

And then over to my parents house since my Aunt Carol was in town from California.  Remember this little guy?


Not so little anymore! 


I can’t believe how big Lucas has gotten!  I’m sure he’s not as huge as I make him out to be since I’m used to my little Peanut.  It was nice to hang out with my family for a little while except for having to sneak off to feed MacKenna every couple of hours.



But luckily, my friend Sarah is letting me borrow her breast pump for a little while and brought it over on Sunday, along with some other goodies!


Did you know that beer is supposed to help stimulate the production of breastmilk?  I will gladly partake in some pumpkin beer to help my little peanut get all the milk she needs!  Sarah also brought us Trader Joe’s pumpkin ice cream.  So yummy, especially with chocolate chips mixed in!  Thanks Sarah!


I also had my first adventure out of the house without the baby Sunday evening to get groceries for the week.  I realized two things from this trip:

(1) I am not as ready as I thought I was to start exercising again.  I’ve been feeling great for the most part – a little bit of pain around my incision, but most of the time I forget it’s even there (until it starts itching like crazy).  But, pushing around a shopping cart for 30 minutes in the grocery store was rough.  I was moving slow as molasses and had to hunch over the cart a few times since I was getting a little sore.  I think stroller pushing is going to have to wait a little longer.  Bummer.

(2) I missed MacKenna like crazy for that half hour I was gone!  We’ve basically spent the last 10 months together (pregnancy + the 2 weeks she’s been alive) and I hated not having her with me.  I was tempted to call Matt while I was gone just to make sure she was OK.  Yeah, I’m going to be that mom who cries when she leaves her baby with a babysitter for the first time (which is sooner rather than later).  Going back to work is going to be rough…

Life is so different now with a little one to care for 24 hours a day.  Being a mom is a really hard job -  you’re on call all the time and there is very little time for breaks (especially when she is refusing to nap like she did most of the day Sunday).  However, being a mom is also the best + most rewarding job I’ve ever had.  Now, I have to be getting back to my new job…