best body bootcamp: week 2

I’m a day late posting this.  Things have gotten busy again.  Yesterday was my first day of New Teacher Orientation in my new school district.  I’m so excited about my new job!  I’ll be teaching 8th grade PE + Health, along with an Exercise + Fitness class.  I mean, how much more perfect does it get?!  But, that also means blogging has to take a back seat.  I have a lot to do as a first year teacher, and with coaching + an almost 10 month old at home, I’ve got my hands full.  So, hopefully ya’ll understand if my blogging goes down to 1 or 2 times a week.


Last week, was week 2 of Best Body Bootcamp.  I’m still so happy that I decided to sign up this round!  Last week’s workouts were pretty much the same as the first week:  the same exercises, still doing supersets, but adding an extra set to fatigue.  After completing workout B this week, I had a nice reminder of why I was walking so funny the week before.  Those lower body exercises KILL me!  But, it hurts so good!

Here’s what my week in training looked like last week:

Monday:  BBB Workout 2A + 3 mile easy run (treadmill – 8:20/mile)
Tuesday:  5 mile tempo (treadmill – 7:31/mile)
Wednesday:  BBB Workout 2B + 3 mile easy run (treadmill – 8:20/mile)
Thursday:  6x800 repeats (treadmill - 7:24/mile)
Friday:  BBB Workout 2C
Saturday:  rest day
Sunday:  6 mile run (jogging stroller – untimed)

Let’s talk a little bit about being flexible – and I’m not talking in the “I do stretched after my runs” way.  (Ha, I don’t even know the last time I actually stretched.  Oops.  I HATE stretching…)  Most people who know me well know that I am a very Type A person.  I like to have things planned out and I like things done a certain way.  Same thing goes when it comes to working out.  I like to plan everything out and I stick to that schedule pretty well.

But with having a baby, you can throw scheduling ANYTHING out the window.  This week, only 3 of those workouts went as scheduled – Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  The other three, little Miss MacKenna had other plans for Mommy.  I’ve really learned that I absolutely have to be flexible when it comes to working out now.  There are going to be days when I’m just simply not going to have time to get those workouts in because of a baby who needs her mama.

It’s hard for me to admit, but it’s OK to reschedule or miss a workout.  Luckily, I was still able to get those other 3 workouts in, just a little later than I had planned.  (My 6-miler was supposed to be Saturday morning, but that was actually due to weather AND a baby that it got moved to Sunday.)  But, had I missed those workouts, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world.  I’m not going to lose any endurance had I not gotten my long run in.  And if I had missed one of Tina’s awesome workouts, that would’ve been OK too.  While working out is a priority, my family, work, health, etc. come before that.  Working out is just the cherry on top of everything else.

As for my goals, I did really well with eating 2 servings or fruits + veggies with every meal, but I still lacked on drinking water.  I’m hoping with a more regular (albeit busy) schedule, I’ll start drinking water at more regular intervals.

Are you flexible when it comes to working out?