best body bootcamp: week 1

**I updated my Baby Girl page.  If you scroll down all the way, you can see all of MacKenna’s weekly pictures.  They’ve been hilarious lately!**

Let me just start by saying that just one week in to Best Body Bootcamp and it’s already kicking my butt!  I guess that’s what happens when you take over a month off from most exercise.  But, I can say that this is exactly what I needed to get my booty back into gear.


The first week of bootcamp is actually pretty easy as far as the exercises go.  For this first phase (weeks 1 + 2), the workouts focus on supersets – performing one set of the first exercise followed immediately by one set of the second exercise.  Tina has us doing the first exercise of the superset to fatigue before doing the second exercise of the same muscle group for a set number of reps.

Fatiguing my muscles with the first exercise is the thing that is really killing me.  My chest hurt to run because it was so sore.  That’s a first!  And I definitely was walking funny for a few days because my booty hurt.  Ouch.  But, being sore from working hard is definitely the best kind of soreness.  I love it!

Here’s what my week of workouts looked like:

Monday:  BBB Workout A + 4 mile run (8:14/mile)
Tuesday:  5 mile tempo run (7:55/mile) + BBB Ab Circuit
Wednesday:  BBB Workout B + 3 mile run (8:11/mile)
Thursday:  8x400 repeats (7:43/mile) + BBB Ab Circuit
Friday:  BBB Workout C + 20 minute treadmill HIIT
Saturday:  5 mile stroller run (8:20/mile)
Sunday:  Rest day

Tina also has us choose 2 healthy living goals to work on throughout the week.  Since I’ve been gone pretty much the last month and will be starting work again in about a week, I had plenty that I wanted to focus on.  My first goal was to drink 4 bottles (about 24-32 ounce bottles) a day.  Ever since MacKenna came around, my water consumption has dropped drastically, which is really horrible since I am still breastfeeding.  I don’t find myself any thirstier than before (but let’s just say that my breastfeeding experience on a personal level is much different than anyone else I have talked to) and chasing around a 9 month old keeps me preoccupied that I simply just forget.  Did I achieve my goal this week?  Nope.  I drank 4 bottles on Monday (thanks to a hot run outside) and then could only finish 2 or 3 the other days during the week.  I’m going to keep this same goal next week in an attempt to get in the habit of drinking more.

My second goal was to go to bed by 10 PM every night.  My wakeup time is going to get much, much earlier once the school year starts in order to get in a workout during the day, so I am trying to get back in the habit of getting to bed at a decent time every night.  This really isn’t hard for me to do, but by making it a goal, it helps me get my booty in gear and get up to get to bed (I tend to zone out or fall asleep on the couch, making it really hard for me to get up to go to bed).  The only 2 nights I didn’t get this goal were Thursday night when we were out at a baseball game and came home with no power, and Friday night because, duh, the Olympic opening ceremonies were on!

However, I’m not going to keep the same goal for next week, since it’s not too difficult for me.  Instead, I’m going to focus on eating 2 servings of fruits and/or vegetables at each meal.  Since my eating has been less than stellar lately (exhibit A), I really need to focus on getting some nutrients in my body.  I’m pretty sure this is why I’ve been so tired lately.  Or at least, I hope that helps with my energy level!

Can’t wait to dive into week 2 this week!

Do you set weekly goals?  What are some things you focus on during the week?